
Vegetable flavoured yogurts? We know it sounds crazy, but our kids sucked them down.

Thanks to our brand partner, Yoplait

I wouldn’t normally tell my children they were about to eat a food containing vegetables. Usually I just put it in a bowl and say, “Hey kids, feeding time,” and they come and eat and then run off and play.

However, we are professional product reviewers today so I told them exactly what they were trying.

“Hey kids, there’s a new, yoghurt containing real vegetables. Come and try it and tell me what you think.”

“No way Mum.” That was my 12-year-old son Philip who doesn’t do anything unless forced, so I forced him.

veggie yoghurts
The Professional Product Reviewers (also known as Jo Abi's kids). Image: supplied.

“Come and try it or no bike ride this afternoon.”

“Damn,” he says.

“Don’t say that Philip. Just come and try it for crying out loud.”

In the meantime, my daughter Caterina, six, was already ripping open the box and pulling them all out.

“Mum, this one is pink,” she exclaimed excitedly. That was the beetroot and strawberry flavour.

“Beetroot in yoghurt,” Philip says, “That’s just wrong.”

“No it’s not. Beetroot is used in chocolate cakes to make them sweeter and healthier. You’ll be surprised how good it is.”

The yoghurts were in squeezie packs, which are great for school lunches. If this product trial went well and they found at least one flavour they liked I was planning to freeze them overnight and put them in their lunch boxes the following day.

get kids to eat vegetables
The pleasantly surprised duo: Phillip and Caterina. Image: supplied.

Philip smelled the yoghurt before he tried it, why, I don’t know. Then he dramatically counted down a three, two, one and tried it.

They each had a taste of the strawberry and beetroot, sweet potato and pear, sweet potato and guava and pumpkin and apple. And both kids loved them.

“It tastes like Pear,” Philip said. He liked the sweet potato and pear the best. And I was right about Caterina. She was happy to eat it as long as it was pink and put all of the beetroot and strawberry ones away for her own enjoyment.

Thankfully, I’d consider this trial a complete success. I’m always trying to think of ways introduce my kids to more vegetable flavours so these Yoplait yoghurts are a complete lifesaver. Simple and delicious.

The yoghurts also contain plenty of calcium and vitamin D for strong bones, while being free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Buy some when you do your shopping this week and give them a try. Yoghurt is one of those healthy foods our kids are happy to eat and these ones are a great choice for growing kids.

How do you get your kids to eat veggies?

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