Coming off the back of one of the worst Australian flu seasons in recent history, keeping kids healthy has never been more important.
For many parents, the day care centres where their kids spend large portions of their days is a big point of concern. Because toddlers, snotty noses, mud and a lack of toilet training = sick kids, right?
According to COMSAN childcare sanitation expert, Danielle Sheridan, even shiny, new childcare centres can be full of harmful contaminants you’d rather your child not be exposed to.
“We measure the levels of contaminants on different areas within the centres and the majority of the results that come back are actually on par with that of an abattoir. It’s pretty shocking,” she told Mamamia.
“You’d be surprised how grubby some centres are. These contaminants can remain on surfaces for several months, and it just takes one area that someone hasn’t been stringent in cleaning, whether it be a toy or a surface, and just one child for it to spread like wild fire.
“If parents could see how dirty the centres were, they wouldn’t drop their kids off.”
When it comes to the danger zones where kids are most likely to be exposed to bacteria, Sheridan explained it’s a double edged sword: the dirtiest thing is also the one thing they legally can’t go without.
“Every time I go into my daughter’s daycare, she’s got her mouth around someone else’s water bottle, that’s by far the biggest breading ground.”
“But this is really hard for staff to monitor because by law, water has to be readily available to the children at all times. And the kids are too young to understand that they can’t put someone else’s water bottle in their mouths.
“You can have a great centre and be doing all the right things, but a child’s a child.”