
"I’m going to get in trouble for saying this." Germaine Greer lashes female politicians.

Germaine Greer, a name synonymous with second wave feminism, has lashed out at Australia’s female politicians.

Speaking on The Project last night, Greer scoffed at the suggestion that there are “brilliant” women in Australian politics.

“Where are they? What are they doing?” she asked when host Hamish MacDonald suggested there were brilliant female politicians.

She also wasn’t sure Australia was ready for another female prime minister.

“Well, that depends upon the women,” she said. “I’m going to get in so much trouble for saying this. I think the women might have to be a bit better at their job.”

Greer cryptically suggested she didn’t think Julie Bishop, who until recently was the most powerful women in Australian politics, would have made a good prime minister.

After first laughing at the question, she said “Please, she’s had a charmed life, but she knows when her sun has set.”

Greer spoke to Mamamia yesterday about her rape 60 years ago and the controversy surrounding her new book On Rape.

Conviction rates for rape, a crime that represents the worst nightmare of women worldwide, are shockingly low. And, according to Greer, they’re not going to get any better. At least not within the legislative system that currently exists.

She doesn’t have all the answers – but she certainly has some provocative questions.

Is the burden of proof in a courtroom too great?

What has gone so wrong with boys and men, that their sexuality might be so inextricably intertwined with violence?

What do we do with men who rape?

And what sort of retribution and justice does a victim need?

Perhaps by fuelling the conversation, and verbalising the unsaid, we are inching that much closer to finally landing on some answers.

You can listen to Mamamia’s Jessie Stephens’ interview with Germaine Greer below. 

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