
Germaine Greer's prediction for Meghan Markle's upcoming wedding labelled "spiteful".

Here’s a thing that probably never needed to happen.

Germaine Greer has weighed in on the pending nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and concluded their marriage is doomed.

Yep, Germaine has spoken and it’s not looking good for Meghan and Harry apparently.

Speaking to 60 Minutes on Sunday night, the Australian writer said Markle had already given up too much for the Prince.

Greer, 78, also told reporter Tara Brown she believes Markle will soon get bored with royal life.

“Let’s hope they’re in love. If they’re not it’s going to be totally unbearable,” she said.

“She will see vistas of boredom that are unbelievable. I think the pressure to escape from the firm is crushing.”

Greer then said she thinks Markle “will bolt” like she did from her 2011 marriage to Trevor Engelson.

“She was out the door. I think she’ll bolt. I hope in a way that she’ll bolt but maybe she’ll take Harry with her.”

Someone needs to tell Khloe Kardashian that her type isn’t working for her. Post continues. 

Later in the interview, Greer alluded to the theory that Markle is marrying Prince Harry for his money.

“Why would a girl born in poverty marry a man with 53 million quid? I can’t think of single reason,” she said.

“Well because she expects to have a good time. She probably is in love with him. He’s glamorous despite having red hair,” she added.


Yep, classic Greer.

Here’s Twitter’s take:


This isn’t the first time Greer has weighed in on the royal family.

Last year she appeared on British television program Sam Delaney’s News Thing and described Princess Diana as ‘needy’.

Host Sam Delaney asked Greer if she thought Princess Diana would have ended up on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here if she were still alive.

“I expect not actually,” the author of The Female Eunuch said. “But it’s interesting to think, ‘Would we still like her if she was 56?’


“I think we probably wouldn’t,” Greer continued. “We didn’t even like the Queen when she was 56.

“We don’t like middle-aged women very much.”

The discussion continued, with Greer commenting on Princess Diana’s complicated love life, “I mean, what would the tally of the men who had dumped her by that stage? It would be 40 or 50 probably.

“Worst f*ck in the country, by all accounts.”

Her three male panellists laughed, before Delaney asked, “Was she a feminist or role model to young women?”

Greer laughed, and replied emphatically, “No”.

“She was too dependent on the love of men, I think. And she was prepared to humiliate herself to get it and she blew it every time.

“I think she just didn’t understand that neediness is not sexy and that’s probably what went wrong.”

What did you think of Greer’s comments about Meghan Markle? Tell us in the comments below.

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