Georgia Love is 28. She has fallen, is still falling, in love.
This moment should be hopeful and deeply joyful, full of dreams for the future. The first of many, many moments to come with family and friends and her new partner.
But this moment is nothing like that.
Instead, Georgia is grieving the death of her mother, aged 60, who lost her life to pancreatic cancer on Saturday.
“Seven weeks ago we were sipping cocktails in Italy. Seven months ago you weren’t even sick. How is it possible you’re no longer here?” the former news reporter posted on Instagram late last night.
It’s difficult to imagine the peaks and troughs of Georgia’s emotions these past months. She owned our hearts on the Bachelorette. She went on the biggest adventure of her life and she found love. She chose the man she wants to spend her life with. When the show finished last week, she made public her relationship with Lee Elliott, 35.