real life

To Georgia Love and everyone who has lost a mother too early.

Georgia Love is 28. She has fallen, is still falling, in love.

This moment should be hopeful and deeply joyful, full of dreams for the future. The first of many, many moments to come with family and friends and her new partner.

But this moment is nothing like that.

Instead, Georgia is grieving the death of her mother, aged 60, who lost her life to pancreatic cancer on Saturday.

“Seven weeks ago we were sipping cocktails in Italy. Seven months ago you weren’t even sick. How is it possible you’re no longer here?” the former news reporter posted on Instagram late last night.

It’s difficult to imagine the peaks and troughs of Georgia’s emotions these past months. She owned our hearts on the Bachelorette. She went on the biggest adventure of her life and she found love. She chose the man she wants to spend her life with. When the show finished last week, she made public her relationship with Lee Elliott, 35.

It’s so hard to know what to say in this instance. What I’d originally thought I’d be posting today was a gushy message all about love, butterflies, fireworks and just how happy @leeroyelliott makes me every day and how lucky I feel to have found the love of my life through this crazy experience. And while all of this couldn’t be more true, it’s not the most important thing to say right now. What should be one of the most exciting weeks of my life has instead turned into one of the hardest with my family going through something no one ever wants to face. But a small solace I can find in this extremely difficult time is that I have this amazing man by my side and for that I feel so lucky. He’s been so incredibly supportive and loving and managed to make me smile and laugh every day despite everything else. Thank you to everyone who’s supported us and followed my story. The messages of love and support have been overwhelming and so so humbling. Thank you thank you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️

A photo posted by Georgia Love (@georgiealove) on


“How lucky I feel to have found the love of my life through this crazy experience,” she posted on Instagram.

But this light has been shadowed by fear and helplessness. Georgia’s mother, Belinda Love, was undergoing chemotherapy during filming of the show. She was admitted to palliative care last Thursday – the same day the Bachelorette finale aired.

For Georgia, who now has a new lover yet is motherless, it must feel like being torn apart. As if she’s being pushed and pulled by happiness and grief and love and anger and, on top of all this, everyone watching her.

She might want to hide. She might want to be with her sister, to curl up and cry in her mother’s jumper, to finally fall asleep on her father’s shoulder as they gaze at family photo albums.


She might want to throw a tantrum. To scream at the world and tear apart the last year and throw things at the wall.

Why didn’t we know? Why wasn’t there something we could do? Why aren’t you here? Why won’t you be here today, tomorrow next year when I need you?  

Because her mum should be here for this.

Her mum should be here to see, to feel, Georgia’s happiness.

She should be to see her youngest daughter try on a wedding dress for the first time.”I definitely want to get married,” Georgia told Women’s Day last week.

She should be here to see Georgia and her sister grow into middle-age. Maybe fall pregnant. Buy a house. Question themselves over taking a new job, starting a company, writing a book, having more children.

She should be here to stay with her husband – Georgia’s dad Christopher – for another 35 years.

Belinda Love won’t have the chance to spoil her grandchildren. She will never sit with her daughters for a cup of tea, watching toddler feet run in and out of the sprinkler in the backyard. She will never give her grandchildren cheeky lolly snakes as treats.


She will not talk to her husband about their daughters and their grandchildren and their lives together as they sit outside and the sun hits the backs of their hands.

She won’t be here for family barbecues and birthday parties, and what about Christmas?

The first Christmas Georgia will spend with Lee, she will spend without her mother.

This is the beginning of the rest of Gerogia’s life, and we are so sorry her Mum is not here with her.

Even though we all have to do it, losing your mother makes you lose who you are for a while.

We’re sorry Georgia.

Our thoughts are with you and your family today.

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