
Georgia Love's "terrifying" eyebrow experience is one we can all relate to, oh so much.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimised by your eyebrow technician.

Yep, thought so. (Image: Giphy)

Anyone who has had their brows feather tattooed, or tints on the regular knows it often gets bad before it gets good.

And by bad, we mean walking around with two very dark, very conspicuous caterpillars on your forehead, made worse by the fact they wiggle when you talk.


Our former Bachelorette, Georgia Love knows this pain all too well, sharing her relatable struggle with her Instagram followers on Wednesday. And it struck a chord.

"I want to apologise for my, frankly terrifying eyebrows," the journalist shared in an Instagram video.

"I'm assured they will not remain like this but for today, I look a bit scary." (Image: Instagram)

"I got the last phase of my feathering done yesterday, which will be amazing but I've woken up and they're very... prominent, and black."

But like all of us who make this sacrifice for eyebrow perfection, Georgia knows those first few days of suffering are worth it for the end result, which can last for weeks, months, or in the case of feather tattooing, up to a year.

But that doesn't change the fact you will look like, as this writer's parents so eloquently put it, Groucho Marx for a couple of days.

Me when someone asks if I got my brows done. (Image: Facebook)

"I'm assured they will not remain like this but for today, I look a bit scary."

We'd just like to clarify, Georgia looks just as beautiful as she always does but we 100 per cent know how she feels, because no matter how many people assure you your eyebrows 'look fine', you won't be fine until they fade to the perfect colour that keeps us going back.

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