
The many clues in Georgia Love's bachelorette wardrobe we (almost) missed.

One of my favourite parts of The Bachelorette is watching the contestants trying to guess what date they’re about to embark on with Georgia Love based on a very vague, cryptic clue written on a date card.

(Without fail, someone always seems to think they’re going paintballing. Literally, every time.)

However turns out they needn’t spend hours trying to crack the riddle – they just have to take in what Love is wearing.

Bachelorette stylist Anne Stringer has revealed there are hidden clues about the forthcoming date in her wardrobe.


“Sometimes when we know what dates she’s going on, this time she was going to the zoo, so just in a little quirky, subconscious way we put her in a zoo-inspired outfit, so it’s got giraffes and tigers and leopards on it,” she said in an interview on TenPlay.


Image: TenPlay

Tigers and leopards and giraffes, oh my! It was staring us in the face the whole time.


Remember that date with Lee on a boat? We should have seen it coming...


Image: TenPlay

"And sometimes if we know she's going on a certain date like sailing we might go stripy with maybe red and white," she said.


Image: TenPlay

"If they're doing something a bit more out in the country we might make it a bit more floral and country, so we kind of do those subtle things sometimes."

Of course the other message in Love's clothes is less than subtle.

After wearing multiple red dresses throughout the season (red = passion! love! romance!), last night's non-rose ceremony gown topped them all.


The 28 year old was transformed into a stylish human rose.

In case you missed it, Love is looking for LOVE, alright!?

Designed by Con Ilio, it took one month of hand sewing each individual petal on the skirt to create the bespoke number. (Post continues after audio.)

"Absolutely ADORED this gown, thank you x 1000000," Love commented on the photo.

Now dates are almost over, here's hoping we can pick up some hints as to who Love will pick... A T-shirt with Lee's face on it perhaps?

Image: TenPlay.

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