
News: Mag uses 3 year old photo to show Mel B weight loss

Mel B on the cover of OK Mag.

OK Magazine used 3 year old Mel B photo to show weight loss

With all the talk around former Spice Girl and her Jenny Craig weight loss deal, OK Magazine has come out with a front page which apparently shows her ‘dramatic’ weight loss. But the image, of a trim and toned Mel B, was taken three years ago, well before she fell pregnant. Why? Because the rights to the ‘big reveal’ belong to Womans Day. The photo shoot for that spread is apparently yet to happen because Mel B hasn’t yet reached her goal weight.

Jennifer Aniston world’s sexiest woman

Men’s Health Magazine has voted Jen the world’s sexiest woman … beating Angelina Jolie who came in tenth place. But a competition ranking sexy celebs seems a bit ordinary until you see the reasons the magazine gave for Jen’s win. “Funny is sexy, and Jennifer Aniston is funny,” the publication stated. “Her down-to-earth persona makes her seem attainable and anyone who’s seen her in ‘Office Space’ has to admit she makes even pieces of flair look good. She rarely plays the airhead, and she seldom overplays a role; she’s funny in a quiet, refreshingly human way.” Funny is sexy? Damned right it is.

Aussies obese, key is diet

The new Australian Dietary Guidelines have been released in a bid to combat obesity which affects about 21 per cent of Australians. Around 25 per cent of kids are overweight or obese. The guidelines have been updated by the National Health and Medical Research Council and include tips like eating less red meat for men, but more if you’re a pregnant or young woman. The guidelines say if Australians ate just one more piece of fruit a day the cost-saving to the health system would be $55 million. There’s a catch, of course. Healthy foods are more expensive and Australians on lower incomes tend to eat nutrient poor foods that were higher in energy. Obesity costs $8 billion annually in health costs, according to recent estimates.


NB: We originally reported 62% of Australians were obese. The figure is about 60 per cent overweight, 21 per cent obese.

George Clooney arrives in, charms, Sydney

They may as well call him George Swooney. Although he was in town to speak at a $1000-a-head lunch about his humanitarian work, the news reports yesterday were all about how he had Sydney women hot and bothered. True or not, the Cloon did have more than just sex appeal to give away. He was spruiking his involvement with Not On My Watch, a charity that monitors war criminals.”What I am trying to do is continue to keep a satellite that we’ve been using to monitor war criminals on the border between the south and north Sudan. We’ve been trying to keep an eye on them,” he said. “It’s not cheap but we’re doing something governments can’t do because that would be called spying. I kept asking why can you Google my house, and not Google war criminals’ homes. It seems like these guys should be afforded the same amount of celebrity as I am. That seemed fair.” Clooney donated his rumoured $600,000 fee.

Sarah Murdoch

Sarah Murdoch resigns from ‘Top Model’

But where is she off to next? The host and co-executive producer of Australia’s Next Top Model resigned yesterday after three years with the show. Foxtel’s director of television Brian Walsh said: “Sarah has made a remarkable contribution to Australia’s Next Top Model and was instrumental in propelling the program to its most successful season ever, in 2011. We would like to thank Sarah for her passion, commitment and incredible support of the series. Naturally we are disappointed to lose her, but the show goes on.” Rumours are swirling that Murdoch will join Network Ten as co-host of its newly proposed morning show, alongside Andrew Rochford and Paul Henry.


Climate skeptic and the book for kids

Climate skeptic and Adelaide University mining geology professor Ian Plimer is releasing a new 250-page book called ‘How to Get Expelled From School’ which looks at climate change and the skeptics’ objection to it. It also gives school kids a handy guide of questions to frustrate science teachers who he says have been ‘captured’ by an activist Government.

“They’re questions that kids should be asking of teachers, because if the teacher can answer it means they might know something about the subject,” Prof Plimer said. “If they can’t, or start to promote ideology, it shows that our schools have been captured. Parents are telling me that schools have been captured by a lot of activists and kids are being fed stuff that is not relevant to the real world.”

And while we have you, do yourselves a favour and check out some of the best protest signs from 2011. It certainly seemed to be the year of the protest. The Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, same sex marriage, slut walks … and through it all, some people with a grand sense of humour:

Some images courtesy of Buzzfeed.

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