
Genuine question: Should Fifty Shades of Grey be shown in schools?

Hewlett Packard
Thanks to our brand partner, Hewlett Packard

Okay, okay, we get that it sounds strange…. but hear us out.

This week’s Mamamia Outloud Podcast is sending sex-ed teachers grey at the gills with the idea that the blockbuster sex-thriller Fifty Shades of Grey should be shown in high schools.

Listen to the MamamiaOutloud Podcast Episode 5, with Mia Freedman, Jamila Rizvi, Monique Bowley and special guest Rebecca Sparrow here:

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We can’t stop talking, thinking and feeling all the things about this film.  From the so-bad-it’s-good acting, to the wider social messages, there’s a lot to unpack. Which is why we’d love you to join the conversation on our Facebook page.

Some moments from the film really made us laugh, particularly this scene where a sheet-covered Ana approaches Christian, who plays piano in the nude against floor to ceiling windows and a magnificent view of the Seattle sky line.

Bed sheets and mournful tunes


But there is a serious side too.


Rebecca Sparrow saw Fifty Shades of Grey with a bunch of teenagers and says there are themes in the film that are actually valuable learning tool for older high school students. Does the film open up questions about sex that we really to be more open about, especially with young people?

Also on this week’s podcast….

Plus, with two books in the best-sellers list, Pete Evans and his Paleo way are pushing Australian’s to eat healthier, most nutrient dense food. A good thing, right? So why is there so much paleo hate?

And have you had an inappropriate crush? This hipster heartthrob is causing a few red faces.

Find out who he is and more by listening in.

ALSO, not only do HP help us put this podcast on for free, they’re giving stuff away to our listeners.  Boooyah.  If you enter our HP competition you can set your kids’ rooms up to learn from a happy place. They’ve got x2 HP Stream Notebooks, x2 HP Stream Tablets & a HP Printer up for grabs. Enter the competition. Do it. It’s HERE. and HERE. And HERE (third time’s a charm). Do it. Good luck. Go forth into your happy place.

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