So apparently there are people in the world – the first world – who are depressed about the fact they have several healthy children.
Tragically, these children are all of the same gender and this makes their parents very sad. Depressed even.
Some simply live with this thing called “gender depression”. Others take more drastic and expensive action, subjecting their bodies and bank accounts to incredibly intrusive procedures in order to get a baby with a particular set of genitals.
Because……well, I’m not sure.
We’re talking about this because in an interview published last week, one Sydney mother suffering from ‘gender depression’ spoke of paying $50,000 to have a girl an an overseas clinic because the process of gender selection for non-medical reasons is illegal in Australia.
She describes sobbing in the ultrasound room when pregnant with her second and then her third son after she was told she was having a healthy baby boy and how she became determined to have a girl at any price. Literally. She spoke about feeling taunted by pink clothes in baby shops.
I am broadly supportive of women telling their stories and expressing their feelings about taboo subjects. There are no ‘wrong’ feelings and you can’t help the way you feel about something.