
'My life as a geek escort and porn star: Things get kinky as hell in the bedroom.'

Every morning self-employed Lucie Bee has a coffee, checks her emails, does her hair and make up and then sends out confirmation appointments for the day ahead. But this sassy redhead is no ordinary entrepreneur: she is an escort, porn star and Australia’s “Goddess of Geek”.

“I used to glaze over the hard part of what I do because I was extremely defensive of my industry and the good people working in it,” she says.

“These days I’m a bit more honest. I love my work and I can get actual physical pleasure from it, yet like any job it has its ups and downs and I’m not interested in glamorising a very tough industry.”

While Lucie has been working as an escort and occasional porn star for a number of years, her foray into the world of geek sex started later thanks to her own interest in gaming and ‘cosplay’; the art of making and wearing sexy comic book, film or fantasy character costumes.

“I have always loved reading sci-fi novels and comic books as well as TV shows, movies and gaming and I’m a huge Playstation fan. My love of cosplay sprung from my geeky interests as well as being petite and not being able to find costumes that fitted, I had to make my own,” Lucie says.

Australia's goddess of geek, Lucie Bee. Image supplied.

“Geeks have always been sexy to me and there is a huge crossover from the geek to the kink community. My involvement in sexy cosplay competitions or discussion panels on ‘Sex and the Modern Geek’ at the recent PAX and GX gaming conventions prove it. It is just as likely that I will get into a conversation at PAX about S & M as it is that I will get into a conversation about Batman at Sexpo.”

According to Lucie, geeks and nerds who are into sci-fi or gaming are given a raw deal by the wider community and often bullied from a young age.


“Shows like The Big Bang Theory don’t help matters,” she says.

“They make geeks look desperate and dateless when I know that is not the case – they are kinky as hell in the bedroom.”

Next week, Lucie will be hosting her own area, the ‘Beehive’ at Sexpo in Melbourne where members of the geek community can lounge on bean bags, battle it out on old school Playstation games and chat about sex, costumes and technology.

“I always get talking to a lot of geeky couples and individuals at events like Sexpo or just in my daily life as an escort, and one of the things that often comes up is the link with technology and gadgets - sex toys are a big thing in the geek sex world," she says.

“While women are openly encouraged to use sex toys and there are heaps on the market, men need sex toys too and the geek sex community are pretty open to embracing this technology. I am pretty proud to be an ambassador for The Spider, a hands-free male masturbator that was modelled on my vagina.”

The weird and wonderful things Mamamia staff think about when they have sex. Post continues after video.

Aside from chatting to gamers, creating sex toys or hosting panels on geek sex, Lucie’s day-to-day work as an escort takes her all over Australia.


“Everyone’s circumstances differ and I am not going to judge why someone would want to see an escort. For some it is about convenience, others have a desire or need they want satisfied. Many are regulars who are kind-hearted and generous where as others are much more difficult," Lucie says.

"Some clients just want ‘porn star sex’ yet others want the ‘girlfriend experience’ and so we go out for dinner, go to the theatre, chat about politics, gaming, art and then have sex. Everyone is different and sexual needs are diverse. I try to make a connection with each client on a level I can relate, but it helps when we share similar interests.”

Lucie’s slick and professional website with its graphic list of services, packages, and additional extras is targeted towards the geek community, yet only about 50 per cent of her clients are of the geeky persuasion.

“When I first came into the industry I lacked confidence and couldn’t be myself. I didn’t know if I should get my boobs enlarged and I just used to show up to jobs and do was asked of me. As I have gotten a little older and wiser, I understand more about who I am, so I am enjoying being my geeky self and attracting geeky types more and more.”

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In spite of working crazy hours in a role that many find confronting, Lucie has the support of her boyfriend and personal trainer Jeremy.

“We have known each other for a long time but we only began dating after a New Year's Eve party last year. Our relationship is fairly non-traditional in that we are not monogamous and are both bi-sexual, but he is still my absolute rock and loving companion and together we have great fun."


The nature of Lucie’s work means that she gets a lot of online abuse meaning that Jeremy, as well as her loving mum and grandma, are on hand to provide support.

“I have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a teenager and occasionally I have mental health days that are tough. I was also recently diagnosed with adult ADD and while I am on medication to control my symptoms, Jeremy and my family are fantastic at keeping me grounded and happy," she says.

Working in the sex industry comes with inherent risks and feminist Lucie feels strongly about getting more women involved at the top, as well as being more open when it comes to discussing porn, sex and our fantasies.

“There is a puritanical strain of society that just want to shut down open conversation about sex and so sometimes it is hard to be truly open and honest with each other," she says.

life geek sex escort
There is a puritanical strain of society that just want to shut down open conversation about sex. Image via iStock.

“While I understand the need to educate children about porn and consent, I think it is also important to educate adults. Thousands of men and women have never really been taught what is okay and what is not okay. I strongly believe in being the change you wish to see and so the more women there are in the porn and sex industries saying ‘this is not cool’, the better for all.”

Sex education is hugely important to Lucie and it is all part of where she sees her future. Apart from completing her humanities undergraduate degree and progressing to her masters, Lucie is keen to play a role as an advocate for women in the industry as well as continuing her work as a sex-educator.

“I have loved doing the ‘Sex and the Modern Geek’ panel discussions at conventions and I am excited to be involved in the Killing Kittens Salon series of events that are launching in Australia later this year. They have been running in the UK for a while now and unlike the sex parties, they are educational forums where an interested audience can chat freely with experts about sex and sex related issues," she says.

“It is all part of my desire to live in a more open minded society supportive of women in the sex industry, where I am free to be my geeky self and do what I do without judgement.”

Visit Lucie's website at 

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