In the shower this morning, I was thinking about how to tell the story of the last three years of my life, and how I got to here. And then it came to me in the voices of George Michael and Aretha Franklin, and the words ‘I knew you were waiting for me’.
My whole life, I always knew that I’d meet ‘The One’. That one person who was meant just for me.
Call it being born to romantic parents, or perhaps I ended up with just really loving genes, but I knew in my heart that I was destined to find a great romance.
What I didn’t expect was to get to my 29th birthday, and not have found it yet. Most of my friends were getting engaged, married, having babies, and I was still looking.
My other problem was that unfortunately no-one could tell I was a lesbian, which makes it pretty hard to meet a girl. Especially, when you’re into other feminine-looking women. There’s nothing quite like making eyes at a girl in a bar only to find out that she’s actually straight.
It was a problem, but one I was confident I could solve. Being from a marketing and advertising background, surely there was a way I could use my persuasive selling powers for the good of my own love life?
It was in May 2011, after drinks and dinner with some ad-land friends that we came up with the idea of advertising myself via a blog.
It was to be called ‘Reasons to Date Courtney Beck’, and would revolve around me listing a different reason every day why a girl might want to consider dating me. If girls, or should I say women, were interested they could submit a photo of themselves and the reason we’d hit it off on a date.