
Two young gay Australians share the strangest questions they get asked all the time.


As a gay person, in fact, the female gay person in the video playing above, I’ve come to learn that answering weird questions just comes with the territory.

If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked me how lesbian sex worked, I wouldn’t need to produce videos that explain sex (like this).

I would be rich. Diamonds in my teeth rich.

Look. I get it. I understand there are some things you just don’t know about LGBTQI life and you’re curious. Even the acronym we use to speak about the community, which we fondly call “alphabet soup”, is confusing.

Let’s clear things up: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (or Questioning) and Intersex.

The above video captures some of the other questions we’ve been asked in our lives such as: who’s the man in the relationship; are you sure you’re gay; and, if you’re gay, do you like me?

An accurate representation of how we feel when you ask if we like you on the basis of sharing a gender.

(Spoiler: Doubtful.)

I'm going to end this with the hope the next time you meet somebody who identifies as queer, the only question you ask is: how are you?

Every other question is best asked after a few months of friendship and a couple of drinks. Unless it's about sex, we're going to need more than a couple if it's about sex.

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