Recently I saw a post on Instagram by my favourite poet Kate Baer. I love Kate’s poetry. She writes about motherhood and womanhood, and the everyday brutality and beauty of life.
The first tile of the Instagram post was an image of a DM she’d received from someone she called Greg. Greg had written to Kate to tell her to stop moaning about motherhood, and said if she didn’t want children, she shouldn’t have had them, declaring parenthood is fun, and she should learn to enjoy it.
Kate’s response was perfect.
She turned Greg’s words into an erasure poem that explored the profound truth of the simultaneous depth of love she feels for her children and the persistent loss of self that is the motherhood experience for so many.
Watch: Be a good mum with Laura Byrne. Post continues below.
A few days before I saw Kate’s post, I’d seen an Instagram video from content creator and mum, Claire Warren. It’s called ‘If we gaslit everyone the way we gaslight mums’. It features a bunch of different characters (all played by Claire) having conversations about the good and bad parts of various life tasks - driving, starting a business and working. The driver/business owner/worker tells a story about how they’re frustrated/stressed/tired, and the person listening shuts down any negativity straight away, gaslighting them, and saying something to the effect of ‘well, if you didn’t want to deal with traffic/work really hard/be busy, you should never have driven/started a business/got a job’.