Let’s do this.
We’re back, fellow Westerosis! Last episode left us on the exciting yet heartbreaking cliffhanger – Grey Worm and Barristan lying dead-like in a pile of Sons of the Harpy. Are they alive? Well, thankfully the episode started shortly after the last left off: you can tell that Grey Worm is still alive-ish because he is in bandages and has only one person – who obviously loves him – tending to him; whereas, as I assumed, Barristan has definitely died, because everyone is talking about him in past tense.
As I also said – now Dany has no cool, calm, collected adviser to steer her in a level-headed direction. I knew she’d get a little carried away – maybe, say, round up the heads of the noble families and give them a stern talking to. Or even poke them with some spears. Or maybe – just maybe – get the dragons to snap at them a bit.
But this?
I can’t see how cooking someone will engender them to you at all. Most people, after being cooked and eaten, make lousy allies.
At the wall, the other surviving Targaryen, Maester Aemon, is sharing with Jo Snow the kind of wisdom you can only have at 100 years of age – f*** the haters, do what you gotta do. That said, he also bungles the “winter is coming” catch phrase. “Winter is almost upon us” is not what my t-shirt says, Maester Aemon – but at 100 years of age, who cares.