
The Game of Thrones death that was changed because it was deemed 'too gory.'


If there are two things Game of Thrones is known for, it’s sex and gore.

So you can imagine the surprise when one former star of the show revealed that her death scene was actually amended at the last minute because it was deemed “too gory.”

Yes, even Game of Thrones has its limits.

Fans of the hit HBO show—which returns for its seventh season on July 16—are used to seeing their favourite characters disposed of in the most horrific of ways, prompting viewers to look a little like this at the end of every episode:


Speaking at MCM London Comic Con, actress Nell Tiger Free, who played the ill-fated Myrcella Baratheon for five seasons, said her demise was meant to be much more dramatic than the one that played out on screen.

A reminder: Myrcella was poisoned by the kiss of Ellaria Sand and died in the arms of Jamie Lannister, who had just revealed he was her real father.

This is as tame as a Game of Thrones death gets. Image via HBO.

"Originally—I don't know if I should say this—but originally what happened is they gave me loads of mashed up bananas with blood, fake blood, and my brains were supposed to be all over the ship and stuff," she said when asked if she would have liked a more, well, "traditional" Game of Thrones farewell.

"I was so excited," Free said. "I don't like gore, but I knew they were just like bananas, so I was okay with it."

LISTEN: This is everything we know about Season 7 of Game of Thrones.

She said the producers switched the gore for grace because they wanted her character's death "to reflect her life."

"They wanted it to be sweet, which is rare for Thrones. Unlike my husband [Trystane Martell, played by Toby Sebastian], who got a spear straight through his face."

We're not sure if bleeding profusely from the nose before collapsing can really be called "sweet," but we'll take that over the Red Wedding any day.

If the newest trailer for the next season is anything to go by, Myrcella's death might be the last "nice" one we ever see.

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