
Gable Tostee's girlfriend says their "emotionally starved" relationship is over.

After a year of dating, New Zealand woman Lizzi Evans has ended their relationship with Gable Tostee, saying he has left her “emotionally starved.”

Speaking to The Daily Mail on Sunday, Evans said Tostee “hurt me in ways he said he wouldn’t,” and confirmed, “I said we had no future.”

Evans supported 30-year-old Tostee through the two-week trial of Warriena Wright’s death – in which Tostee was accused of murder.

Gable Tostee's ex-girlfriend, Lizzi Evans. Source: Facebook.

On August 8, 2014, Wright plunged to her death from the 14th floor of a Gold Coast apartment building belonging to Gable Tostee.

The pair had met earlier on the dating app Tinder and had been on a date before Wright died.

Tostee was eventually found not guilty of murder or manslaughter in the sensational case, largely due to the three-hour audio recording which he had secretly taken that night which spanned either side of Wright's death.

Gable Tostee following the trial. Source: Facebook.

Evans's relationship with Tostee became public when she began attending the trial with Tostee's parents and was seen audibly gasping with relief when the not guilty verdict was delivered.

Following the trial, Evans slammed Wright's memory on Facebook, describing the deceased 26-year-old as "incredibly intoxicated, self-confessed 'phycho' [sic] drunk whom felt it OK to assault people without warning on their own home."

Gable Tostee's now ex-girlfriend, Lizzi Evans. Source: Facebook.

"She acted irrationally and yet you continue to point the finger at an innocent man who acted in self-defense," Evans continued.

Listen: Mamamia Out Loud discusses Tostee's ethically fraught 60 Minutes interview:

But despite the relentless media scrutiny Tostee has faced since Wright's death in August 2014, Evans says her now ex-boyfriend remains "obsessed" with his former lifestyle of partying, drinking, and dating apps.

"He wants to live like that forever," Evans said.

Evans says Tostee will not be relocating to New Zealand to be with her. Source: Facebook.

And despite being cleared of all charges in October and now free to move forward with his life, Evans says Tostee remained "resistant."

"We had hoped to begin a new chapter of life but he became resistant," she said before adding finally, "I just had no more to give in the end but he seems [unfazed] as to be expected I suppose."

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