
Gable Tostee finally answers the questions Australia has been asking.

His is a name that has been highlighted in headlines around the world. Gable Tostee. The man accused and then cleared of murdering his Tinder date, Warriena Wright.

After four days of deliberation and a near mistrial, a jury last month found the 30-year-old not guilty of causing the New Zealand woman to plunge 14 storeys to her death off the balcony of his Gold Coast apartment.

We’ve heard Tostee’s side of this tragic story before, courtesy of a post he penned on a bodybuilding forum. But tonight we will hear them direct from the carpet layer’s lips in a special (and widely criticised) segment on 60 Minutes. He was reportedly paid a six-figure sum for the segment.

In tonight’s episode, Tostee will be questioned about the events of that August night in 2014, including why he didn’t rush to the 26-year-old’s aide.

“Instinctively, I knew that if I ran out there and somebody saw me looking over the edge and she had actually fallen all the way, it would look like, you know, I – it would not look good,” he says. “It would look like I had forced her over, or something.”

Tostee had forced Wright onto the balcony and closed the door, after their drunken arguments turned into a scuffle – “I restrained her to stop her attacking me,” Tostee tells the program, “I wanted her to stop. I didn’t know what else to do.”

From there, Brisbane’s Supreme Court heard, she tried to climb over the edge to the balcony below and fell to her death. But why the balcony? Why did Tostee not get her to leave via the front door?


The 60 Minutes interviewer probes Tostee on this, “you had control of her. You’re six foot three, she was five foot four. How far is it between the front door and the balcony door?”

“It was a lot, lot closer to the balcony door and it was wide open and it was the logical option at the time,” Tostee replies.

Warriena Wright and Gable Tostee. Image: Facebook.

Central to the case, and to press coverage of it, was the audio recording that Tostee took of the latter part of their date - a clip that began at 12:55am and captured everything from their fights, to the moment of Wright's death and his movements afterwards.

When questioned by 60 Minutes why he captured the audio, Tostee responds, "why wouldn't you do that?".

"Because I, obviously I used to go out, um, quite a lot drinking," he says. "I don’t have the best memory when, when I drink. And in this day and age, hitting 'record' is, I mean recording your night out is as easy as pressing a button and leaving your phone in your pocket."

In that clip, Wright is heard shouting "No!" a total of 33 times - a chilling fact offered to him during tonight's interview.

“Yeah, she was certainly trying to make a lot of noise,” Tostee says.

You can watch Gable Tostee's full interview on 60 Minutes tonight at 8.30pm on Channel Nine.

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