
"All of a sudden, everything was going wrong." Three mums share their biggest parenting fails.

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Ah, parenting.

While it might look like everyone is nailing it on Instagram, most parents are secretly “failing it” every now and then.

So we asked our absolutely spectacular This Glorious Mess listeners to call in and share their biggest parenting fails with hosts Holly Wainwright and Ben Fordham.

Because hey – sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And sometimes you forget to teach your kid not to stick metal in the toaster.

Kim was on maternity leave when she had one of those days where absolutely everything goes wrong.

“I’m on maternity leave at the moment and my daughter is seven months old. And I was just having one of those days when things start to go wrong,” she told the podcast.

LISTEN: Why is it that we forget to teach our third kids the most basic of life skills? One mum tells her story, on our podcast about family life. 

“My husband has this thing that in the evening when the house is a bit messy he says, ‘oh, we’ll sort it out tomorrow’,” she explained.

“But he’s thinking about when he gets home from work tomorrow and he’s not realising that I’m home all day.”

So by the next afternoon, Kim decided to take matters into her own hands. She washed up all the dishes that were piling up on the kitchen sink… only to elbow them a minute later and watch them come crashing down onto the kitchen floor.


Some of the broken dishes had bounced up off the ground and cut Kim’s legs.

“I looked down at my leg and there was blood running down it,” she said.

That’s when Kim decided there was only one solution to this problem – wine. She poured herself a glass of wine and sat at the kitchen table ignoring the broken crockery on the ground and the blood running down her leg.

We’ve all been there, Kim.

Libby recently discovered that she had a budding entrepreneur on her hands.

She has an 11-year-old son who is obsessed with money. Recently he asked her whether he could start going to the skate park after school. Libby agreed and gave him some money so he could buy himself some healthy snacks while he was there.

Everything went smoothly and Libby’s son started going to the skate park after school regularly. Then she noticed money started piling up in the top drawer of his cupboard. She also found heaps of lolly wrappers in his room – even though he’s not supposed to be eating lollies.

When she asked her son what was going on he was very tight-lipped about it – but his older brother let slip that he had started his own business.

It turns out her son was buying multi-packs of lollies with the money she was giving him and then splitting them up and selling them.


“So he’s buying 12 packs of Skittles for $3 and then selling each individual pack for $2 a pop,” she told the podcast.

“He was making an enormous profit and my eldest son told me he made $147 in one week.

“So here I thought I was winning but my son was basically racketeering and I’m just waiting for a note to come home from the school.”

Jen made the classic mistake of forgetting to teach her third child some very important life skills.

Listen to the full episode of This Glorious Mess here:

Her first ‘uh-oh’ moment came when she saw her son getting toast out of the toaster.

“I realised then that I hadn’t taught him not to stick anything, especially metal, in the toaster,” she explained.

The second moment came by the way of a personalised Coke bottle.

“We were coming up the escalator and I was really proud that I had managed to find bottles with both my name and my husband Adrian’s name on it,” she said.

“Then my son turned to me and said “Who’s Adrian?’ and I realised he had no idea what he’s dads name is.”


Do you have any hilarious parenting fails you’d like to share? Call the pod phone on 02 8999 93 86. 

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