
The amazing trick this flight attendant pulled to get her passengers' attention...


Remember the last time you boarded a plane and the flight attendant had everyone in stitches with her impression of her grandma’s support bra?


Well, you obviously haven’t flown with Martha “Marty” Cobb of Southwest Airlines. She has an uncanny knack for making passengers turn off their electronic devices, place their seats in an upright position and giggle uncontrollably.

Take a look at this video of a recent routine she busted out during a flight safety demonstration that’s now going viral:

For those of you stuck at work who can’t watch right now, some of Marty’s comedy gold includes:

“My ex-husband, my new boyfriend and their divorce attorney are going to show you the safety features aboard this 737 800 series…

Position your seat belt tight and low across your hips, like my grandmother wears her support bra. Everybody gets a door prize in the seat back in front of you, along with dirty diapers, chewing gum wrappers, dirty diapers and all the other gifts you leave for us from time to time.”

What’s your verdict on Marty’s impromptu comedy routine? Any funny airline stories you want to share?

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