
Mum orders first birthday cake. Realises it's very rude and definitely NSFW. Begs for help.

Every parent knows there’s nothing better than doing something for the kids that gives you a personal, adult benefit, too.

Such as taking them to see a movie like Frozen, which is packed with adult jokes. Or going to a kid activity at a venue that has a license to serve alcohol.

So when a mother throws her child a birthday party as a labour of love, she deserves some laughter as well.

But perhaps not in the form of a fondant monkey cake-topper, clutching what is meant to be a number ‘one’, but instead looks like an erection.

Which is exactly what happened to one mum recently, The Sun reports.

No, that would not have been amusing for that mother at all… which of course doesn’t stop the rest of us from having a chuckle, right? See the cake topper for yourself below:

Is that a number one, or is that monkey just happy to see us? Source: Facebook

According to The Sun, the mum ordered the piece to be modelled on her daughter's favourite soft toy, hugging a number 'one' figure, for her first birthday party cake.

But somewhere along the lines, the cake maker adjusted the brief... and fashioned the one to look like a very long, flowering, and erect... penis.

Which was unfortunate for the poor mum, but somewhat delightful for the rest of the world.

Upon taking delivery of  the cake, the distraught (and let's be honest, somewhat dirty-minded) mum posted a photo in a Facebook parenting group for suggestions on how to make the party centrepiece less R18+ monkey-stripper, and more user-friendly.

"I had this monkey made for my daughter's cake for her first birthday," she explained, adding that the final result looked "rude in various ways."


Obviously getting exactly zero support from those around her in real life, the worried mum wrote,"I've been told he looks like a stoned monkey with his willy out!"

Every mother can relate to the woman's concern, anticipating negative backlash from party attendees, because as we all know, family is equally the best and worst part of any given occasion.

"I can deal with friends and family over on Facebook being rude but not with family when I present the cake!"

The mum's eleventh-hour attempts to rescue the cake from the historical annals of family folk lore saw her attempt to separate the monkey from the one, but he was firmly attached, and his leg broke in the process.

So was Facebook any more helpful than the woman's own friends and family?

One mum suggested in the comments that, "a little present to go between his legs" could be a distraction.

Another wrote, "maybe try and flatten the 'one' out a bit so it's not as round."

As for our opinion? We're grateful for the giggle, but are much more concerned about the monkey's creepy black and soul less eyes...

Happy birthday, little one.

What is your biggest parenting fail? Tell us in the comments section below. 

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