
Freida Pinto gets a major post-breakup haircut

Image: Getty

Anyone who’s been through a major breakup knows they’re rarely pretty.

There are tears, tantrums, and in extreme cases… instantly regrettable hair decisions. We swear, salons are powered by the tears of women who have just had their hearts broken.

9 things you should never say to a person who just cut their hair.

When relationships end, long hair tends to be the first casualty. So we weren’t surprised to learn that Freida Pinto had lopped off hers after her six-year relationship with The Newsroom star Dev Patel ended. The two actors met on the set of Slumdog Millionaire and have been one of our favourite adorable celebrity couples ever since.

Nooooo! They can't be over!


We're not sure why the couple has gone their separate ways, but according to 'sources' they've been over for "a while". Sob! But let's put our collective sadness behind and get back to the important part: the haircut.

The Chop: “A hairdresser fried my hair, so I had to cut it all off”

Like many women, Freida's post-breakup chop is a major one - inches and inches and inches of hair have been cut. But the result is completely gorgeous - not a jagged edge or tear-stained dye job in sight. We can't imagine the 30-year-old will be regretting this beautiful bob any time soon:

Look, for all we know Freida is numbing her sadness behind closed doors with shots, tubs of Ben and Jerry's and maybe even the occasional passive-aggressive drunk text to her ex, but at least outwardly she's got classy and dignified nailed.

Have you ever changed your hair after a breakup? How did it go?

Check out the other celebrity hair looks we're obsessed with right now:


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