
Freelee the Banana Girl's ex has made some shocking claims in the wake of their breakup.

Freelee the Banana Girl has risen to social media fame as a passionate advocate for strict veganism, who endorses her ‘raw til four’ diet plan while sometimes eating up to 51 bananas a day.

The 36-year-old Youtuber from Adelaide, whose real name is Leanne Ratcliffe, has also attracted a great deal of controversy for her rejection of conventional science (she’s previously claimed “chemo is killing us,” and “menstruation is toxicity leaving the body”), as well as her alleged “bullying” tactics towards those who don’t embrace an entirely vegan lifestyle.

She’s previously said that non-vegans “deserve to die,” insisting “It’s so f****** easy to be vegan!”


But according to the vlogger’s ex-boyfriend, Harley Johnstone, she hasn’t been entirely truthful with her audience.

In a recent video explaining the reasons for their breakup, Johnstone claims Ratcliffe had become “obsessed” with her appearance, injecting her face with Botox – a substance which is definitely not vegan.  Botox contains bacteria that can be found in pigs and fish, and is also tested on animals.

The video also contains claims Ratcliffe was physically abusive towards Johnstone.

A still from Johnstone's video. Image via Youtube: Durianrider.

"The truth is she was so abusive to me, she used to hit me a lot. And I was cool with it, then last year, I'd hit her back. I think if you hit like a man you're going to get hit back," he said.

"I never ever hit Freelee in the face, I never used more force than was needed I would just push her off, pin her down and punch her in the leg real hard and say, 'f*** that's not acceptable behaviour, control your anger'. It was definitely an abusive relationship."

According to the Daily Mail, Ratcliffe denies having had Botox but admits to having used Juvederm, a plant-based alternative.

She also denies allegations she was abusive, telling the publication, "[Johnstone] accusing me is an insult to the real sufferers of domestic violence, it makes light of their suffering."

Mamamia has directly contacted Leanne Ratcliffe for comment.

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