
For $25 you can restore sight to a person in a third world country.

The Achilles Athletes, who are all visually impaired, will trek 50km to raise money for the Fred Hollows Foundation.






Sydney Coastrek write “Imagine being a little girl in Nepal and your mum goes blind. She goes blind because she didn’t know about basic hygiene and how to prevent eye infections and there is simply no doctor.

And if your mum goes blind, guess what? You stay home to look after her. You don’t go to school, you don’t learn to read and write…the future you may have imagined is sucked away as you need to become her eyes.

Or worse still, if you’re a Kenyan child who is born with cataracts, you’ll die within 5 years because you can’t look after yourself. “To be blind in a situation like that means death”, says Dr Kibata, Paediatric Ophthalmologist in Kenya.

Fortunately, we have the power to help these people. We have the power to make change.

For as little as $25, you can restore sight to one person, supporting The Fred Hollows Foundation in their bid to eliminate avoidable blindness worldwide.

The Wild Women On Top Sydney Coastrek will take place on the 2-3 March 2012 and is a 50-100km team Challenge along the coast of Sydney.

Over 1300 inspirational trekkers will battle sweat, blisters, heat and those dreaded soft sand beaches in order to achieve an amazing personal and physical goal as well as raise vital funds for The Fred Hollows Foundation.


The founder of adventure fitness company Wild Women On Top, Di Westaway says the event is a win-win.

‘Australians get a chance to get fit in stunning locations and we all get a chance to support an award winning Australian charity: The Fred Hollows Foundation,’ Di said. “A donation of $25 represents restoring sight to one person in a third world country, and our goal is to raise $1 million dollars!!’

And if trekking from Palm Beach to Balmoral or Coogee wasn’t amazing enough already, this year there is a team who will be doing it blind!

Ben Phillips and his team are all visually impaired, and they will attempt to trek 50km from Palm Beach to Balmoral, along beaches, up and down uneven stairs and along coastal tracks, in less than 18 hours!

OMG – these people are truly incredible.

Sydney Coastrek’s Project Manager, Danae Griffith, says ‘they are the heart and soul of what Sydney Coastrek is all about; dedication, team, positive outlook… sight.’

Ben’s team, the Achilles Athletes, will be led by a team of sighted guides, including Senator John Faulkner, and aim to raise  $10,000 for this amazing cause. You can check out their training video or sponsor them now!

3 out of 4 people who are blind do not need to be.

You have the power. Restore someone’s sight today.

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