
"Freckles are 'in fashion' - but you'll never see me faking them."

Image: iStock

Freckles are in fashion.

Yes, that’s right – the naturally-occurring facial markings have been declared “on trend”.

This means that now, everyone who doesn’t have freckles must rush out to Topshop to purchase a Freckle Pencil, $10.62, and then follow a complex online tutorial on how to draw on freckles with Michelangelo-like precision. Right?

The freckle ‘trend’ has been rumbling around since late 2014, with the likes of film star Emma Stone and catwalk model Natalie Westling inducing envy with their swoon-worthy spots.

Now it seems some woman are so enamored by freckles they’re attempting to replicate them using makeup.

Last week, KIIS radio hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O asked British girl-band Little Mix (they’re like the female One Direction) if they drew their freckles on. The girls confessed, and Jackie later admitted she’d dabbled with faux freckles herself.

Kyle and Jackie O with Little Mix. (Source: Instagram.)


Look, I love a beauty trend as much as anyone, but this is just ridiculous.

When will we just accept our faces for what they are, instead of trying to dramatically alter them? Don’t get me wrong, I love using lipstick to warm up the natural pink tones of my lips, and the heavy-duty concealer that I use under my eyes is always helpful after a late night. But drawing on freckles? No thanks. Too much effort, with little purpose.

It’s a confusing message. It feels like just a moment ago, makeup gurus were sharing all of their tips on how to disguise freckles with heavy foundation and concealer. Our very own Ricki-Lee Coulter, who is rightfully proud of her natural freckles, was abused online and called “ugly” for daring to bare her natural skin.


But now freckles are "in", which means that for anyone without freckles is... out of fashion? (Post continues after gallery.)

Guess what? Skin isn’t a fashion statement. Skin is just something that covers our muscles and bones and other stuff (I didn’t study Biology in high school, sorry). It serves a purpose. No skin colour or markings can or should be considered “in” or “out”.

It seems there are always pressures to “fake” certain facial traits. Not a day goes by without yet another story on how to achieve Kim Kardashian’s contoured cheekbones, or Kylie Jenner’s puffy lips. “Unnatural” seems to be the new “natural”, and the beauty press won’t rest until you’ve purchased every new makeup product to achieve the latest look.

Ricki-Lee's beautiful, natural freckles. Image via Instagram.


As we paint our faces, and even our bodies, are we also erasing our unique qualities and individuality?

The first time I ever had my makeup done professionally, the makeup artist said, “You’ve got a blemish on your face. I’ll cover it up with concealer.” And do you know what 17-year-old me said?

“Can you please leave it? I like it, because it’s ‘me’,” I told her.

I now regard that small mole as my very own beauty spot.

Carla's tiny beauty spot. Why would you even bother covering it up? (Source: Supplied.)


I also had a dentist who wanted to shave down one of my front teeth just a smidge, to get rid of a chip. I also asked him to leave it, again because I felt it made me unique.

My favourite way to use makeup is to gently enhance the features that I already have. I don’t want to completely fake my face.

Let’s embrace and enhance what we do have, and not waste our time or money on faking what we don’t.

What do you think about fake freckles? Are they harmless fun, or a dangerous message?

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