
Police are investigating a new person of interest in the disappearance of William Tyrrell, & more in News in 5.

-With AAP.

1. Police are investigating a new person of interest in the disappearance of William Tyrrell.

A person who once lived at a sawmill which was searched a fortnight ago is a person of interest in the 2014 disappearance of William Tyrrell and will give evidence at his inquest next year.

Frank Abbott is expected to testify at the NSW inquest into the suspected abduction of three-year-old William when it resumes in March 2020, a source has told AAP.

Abbott was living in a caravan on a sawmill near Kendall, on NSW’s mid north coast, when the toddler disappeared five years ago, Ten News reported on Wednesday.

The property was about eight kilometres away from where William went missing from foster grandmother’s home about 10.15am on September 12 in 2014.

Police, sniffer dogs and SES personnel searched the sawmill on Herons Creek Road two weeks ago as the inquest was sitting in Taree.

Heavy machinery was used to move logs during the search with police tight-lipped at the time as to why they were interested in the property.

No one has ever been charged in relation to William’s disappearance.

Hundreds of people have been dubbed “persons of interest” during the investigation and a case detective admitted during the inquest there’s “a very low standard to meet in order to become a person of interest”.

Counsel assisting the coroner Gerard Craddock SC in early August stressed that any suggestion those called to give evidence were suspects was “simply wrong”.


“This is an inquest and not a criminal trial,” he said.

Questions are also being asked about evidence provided by Kendall resident Ronald Chapman, who said he saw a woman drive past his Laurel Street home on the day William went missing, in a “fawn-coloured four-wheel drive” with a boy dressed in a Spider-Man suit in the back seat.

“In the backseat was a young boy with his hands up on the window [facing] outwards on the glass of the window,” Chapman told the inquest, as reported by the ABC.

“He was standing and unrestrained. He wasn’t crying. He was wearing a Spider-Man suit.

“I definitely saw William. I am 100 per cent certain it was William in the back of the car… no doubt.”

Chapman, a retiree, described the driver he saw as a woman “in her late 20s or early 30s,” with blonde tied-up hair.

The inquest for 2019 ended last week and is set to resume in March 2020.

2. “It is a tragic situation.” Woman’s body found in Brisbane park.


Council workers have discovered a young woman’s body in garden bed at a Brisbane park.

They were carrying out maintenance and collecting debris at Kalinga Park when they found her about midday on Wednesday.

Detective Inspector Tim Trezise said officers don’t yet know how long the woman’s body had been there, who she is or how she died.

“It is a tragic situation whenever a young person dies,” he told reporters on Wednesday.

“She has died in a public park and we are not sure what has led to her being there.”

There were no obvious signs of foul play and police said it was too early to say how she was killed.

An autopsy is expected in the coming days.

“Early indications are that she probably hasn’t been there too long, but she certainly could have been there last night,” Det Insp Trezise said.


“She was in a garden bed, which did make it difficult for the council workers to see her until they were quite close.

“Any number of walkers or cyclists could have unknowingly passed her body last night or this morning.”

The detective estimated the woman might be in her late 20s but said he could be “out by ten years either side”.

The woman didn’t match the description of any missing persons on file but police hope a loved one will soon come forward.

A crime scene was established off Diggers Road at Kalinga Park.

Police are calling for anyone who might have been in the park on Wednesday morning or Tuesday night to come forward if they saw anything suspicious.

3. Bid for NSW serial rapist to stay in jail.


A serial sex offender involved in the 1988 Sydney abduction of Janine Balding who was raped and murdered minimises his violent crimes and engages in victim-blaming, a judge has been told.

“He suggests that perhaps the way women dress, they are expecting to have sexual contact with someone,” forensic psychiatrist Dr Kerri Eagle said on Wednesday.

The psychiatrist was giving evidence in a NSW Supreme Court hearing of an application by the state of NSW for a two-year continuing detention order (CDO) for the man whose latest jail term expired on June 26.

He’s now the subject of an interim detention order until September 17.

His extensive criminal history, which began with a sex attack when he was 13, includes serving eight years for the abduction and rape of Ms Balding.

The 20-year-old bank teller was grabbed from a Sydney train station by a gang of five homeless youths before she was repeatedly raped.

The man, who was a teenager at the time, remained in the car when Ms Balding was then bound, gagged and thrown over a fence before being held underwater in a dam until she drowned.


He has committed sexual offences against women and men, involving at least eight victims including a woman he beat, bound and raped at another Sydney train station in 1998.

David Kell SC, for NSW, submitted the judge would be satisfied to “a high degree of probability” that the man poses an unacceptable risk of committing another serious offence if not kept behind bars for another two years.

If the CDO was not granted, the state is seeking a five-year extended supervision order (ESO).

He said the man opposed the CDO but conceded the ESO was appropriate.

Dr Eagle said the man had a number of psychopathic traits, refused to accept responsibility for much of his offending and had repeatedly breached release conditions in the past.

“I am of the view an ESO may not be able to seriously manage the risk of his committing serious sexual offences,” she said.

He told her he didn’t want to have “too many restrictions put in place”, saying “there is no point putting a tight leash on me”.

Psychologist Jenny Howell said she believed the man’s risk of recidivism could be managed in the community with an ESO.

“He is tired of where he is in his life,” she said.

“He has been there a long time and he would like to do something different.”

She agreed his sexual offending had been chronic in terms of frequency, persistent in that he kept offending even when on parole, and diverse in that victims were male and female.


The hearing continues before Justice Julia Lonergan.

4. MPs reject Boris Johnson’s request for snap polls.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has failed to win the approval of enough MPs to go ahead with his plan to hold an early election.

He needed to win the backing of at least 434 MPs but only 298 voted in favour of an election while 56 voted against.

The opposition Labour Party instructed its MPs to abstain on the vote.

Johnson had called for a national election on October 15, saying it was the only way out of Britain’s Brexit impasse after opposition MPs moved to block his plan to leave the European Union next month without a divorce deal.

After MPs in the House of Commons approved a bill designed to halt a no-deal Brexit, delivering the second setback to Johnson in as many days, he said: “There is only one way forward for the country.”

Johnson insists Britain must leave the EU on October 31, with or without a deal, and he accused the opposition of trying to “overturn the biggest democratic vote in our history”, referring to the outcome of the 2016 referendum to leave the EU.

Opposition parties said they would not back one until the Brexit bill becomes law. Johnson needs the support of two-thirds of the 650 MPs in the House of Commons to trigger an election.


“Let the bill pass and have Royal Assent and then we can have a general election,” said Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

In a second straight day of parliamentary turmoil on Wednesday, the House of Commons voted by 327-299 in favour of the bill, sending it to parliament’s upper chamber, the House of Lords. An earlier version was approved 329-300.

Even so, the bill’s fate is unsure. Pro-Brexit peers in the Lords are threatening to try to stop it by filibustering until time runs out.

5. Listeria found in pastrami at Adelaide supermarkets.


Listeria has been found in pastrami sold at a number of Adelaide supermarkets, butchers and cafes.

SA Health’s acting director of food and controlled drugs branch Joanne Cammans said meat producer Conroy’s had detected listeria during routine testing of its pastrami and had issued a recall.

But Ms Cammans said there had been no reported cases of listeria infection from the meat.

The pastrami was being sold through a number of Foodland and IGA supermarkets, butchers, continental delis, bakeries, cafes and sandwich bars.

It is sold loose and has no distinctive packaging.

“While we have not received notification of anyone contracting listeria from the product, the infection can be extremely serious if it is contracted by the elderly, pregnant women or people with weakened immune systems,” Ms Cammans said.

“Many people are exposed to listeria with often only mild illness resulting, but it can be more serious in the at-risk groups, so all South Australians at-risk should avoid eating the product.”

Listeria infection starts with flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle aches, nausea, and sometimes diarrhoea.

People can start experiencing symptoms within a few days, but they can take up to six weeks to emerge after eating a contaminated product.

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