
Forever 21 is selling a very weird accessory and women are freaking out.

Attention everyone: The choker trend has gone too far. I repeat, the choker trend has gone too far.

As if girls pulling the shoelaces off their Converses to tie around their necks wasn’t bad enough, now Forever 21 has gone and invented a choker neck brace.

Oh yes, dearest reader friends, a choker neckbrace.

Not sure what I mean? Take a look for yourself…

LOL "add to bag", good joke. Probably not though. (Image: Forever 21)

While the bizarro accessory isn't yet available to purchase on the retailer's site (we shall wait with bated breath) it IS modeled here with an equally stylish Star Wars jersey.

What. An. Outfit.

Does anyone want to find this in their Christmas stocking?

... Anyone?

Unsurprisingly the, erm, osteopathically supportive garment has sent the ~interwebz~ into quite a tizzy.

If the Forever 21 designers are reading this, abort this crazy accessory mission pls. PLS. It is time to stop now. Like, right now. WHAT DID BARE NECKS EVER DO TO YOU GUYS? WHY MUST YOU HATE THEM SO?

Did I miss the memo that necks are suddenly inherently raunchy? Are they the new nipples or vulvas something?

I can't even remember what the common neck looks like and I'm scared.

If anyone needs me, I'll be under my desk.

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