
'I’ve worked in the beauty industry for 10 years. Here are 5 surprising things I've learnt.'

I’ve been involved in the beauty industry in one form or another for the better part of a decade. 

It’s been a bit of a dream, to be honest. I scored my first gig in beauty (and in fact, it was my first gig entirely) when I was just 16, and I’ve not been able to stay away since. 

Trialling and writing about new skincare and makeup products, attending events, learning from experts, and chatting with fellow beauty lovers – what’s not to love? 

There’s this wonderful sense of community in the beauty business, and I’ve been able to connect with some seriously top-notch humans who really know their stuff and have incredible passion for what they do. I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a part of it all. 

Watch: Here are 7 ways to improve your skin while sleeping. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

Having been immersed in the industry for many years, I’ve learnt a lot. And I’ve still got so much more to absorb – as in all areas of life, I learn something new about beauty every single day, and my curious brain hopes it stays that way! 

But if I had to cut down my learnings from over the years into five key takeaways, it would be these...


A quick reminder before we jump in that I’m not a dermatologist, and these are just my own experiences trialling beauty products and working in the industry. 

Make sure to always patch test and seek advice if you’re unsure if a certain product is for you. 

1. Skincare makes your base makeup sing.

I (obviously) adore makeup. It’s amazing and wonderful and can work otherworldly magic with the flick of a (mascara) wand. Good luck trying to get me to ever give up my blush and red lipstick. 

But a big take away from time in beauty is that whilst makeup is the bees knees, the real wizardry when it comes to base makeup is all in the skincare. 

Nothing competes with the natural radiance that comes from a solid, tailored skincare routine. Happy, healthy, and hydrated skin is the best base your makeup could ask for. 

Plus, it means you generally need a whole lot less makeup product to get your desired look (which for me is always glowy, dewy, radiant). 


Some of my favourite pre-makeup skincare products include the Sunday Riley C.E.O. Afterglow Brightening Vitamin C Cream, $108, or the Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base, $92, and I love the Go-To Transformazing Sheet Mask, $11, before a special event.

2. There’s no 'one size fits all' approach to beauty.

This is a big one, and it’s particularly pertinent in the era of #trending products.  

We’re all beautifully unique and our skin is no different. Even though we all share baseline skincare needs (like SPF, which we’ll get to soon), we each have varying skin types and concerns, as well goals or outcomes we’re trying to achieve. 

That means that what makes a *chefs kiss* routine for me, might not be the same for you, and vice versa.  

That doesn’t mean we can’t take inspo from what other people are using and loving. We totally can! It just means it’s always a good idea to get to know your own skin type and what your goals are, and then always read the label and instructions on new products you’re interested in trying. 

It also means seeking advice if you’re not sure if a product is for you. 


3. Sun protection is the G.O.A.T.

If there’s one thing I’ve heard loud and clear in my time in beauty, it’s this: sun safety is essential. 

Growing up as a kid in Queensland, hitting the beach religiously every summer, I was no stranger to the power of the sun. But even with these experiences, I never really considered the damage all the sun exposure was doing. 

According to the Cancer Council, Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. It’s scary stuff, and something we should all be taking very seriously. 

Sunscreen should never be an afterthought in your routine. Thankfully, these days there’s no shortage of sunscreens on the market. Whether you’re into a matte or glowy finish, cream or serum-like texture, you’re sure to be able to find one that suits you. 

The best part? These new formulations make you *actually* want to wear it.

4. You’ll never regret protecting your barrier. 

I’ll admit that it took me a little too long to learn this one.  

In case you need a refresher, your skin barrier is a mighty important thing – it’s the outermost layer of your skin that helps keep what’s underneath happy and protected from external elements. 

But some things – like excess sun exposure, and too much exfoliation – can compromise our barrier. Ouch! 

I looooove the feeling of exfoliated skin (so shiny, so new, so fresh!). I’m certain that this exfoliation obsession has pushed my skin barrier to the brink on at least a few occasions. 


What I’ve come to learn, however, is that we can’t keep taking from the skin (exfoliating) without giving back (hydration and barrier support). Replenishing, loving, and maintaining your barrier as part of a tailored routine is a vibe. 

Some of my fave barrier loving superheros are La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume, $18.99, and La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mask, $11.99, the Paula’s Choice Replenishing Toner, $37, as well as the ceramide-rich Drunk Elephant F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial, $86. I’ve also heard amazing things about the tbh Rebound Serum, $59.99. 

5. Beauty should be fun. 

I’ll round it off with this one: beauty should be a fun, inclusive, empowering experience. 

You want to wear bright green eyeliner to work? Want to spend five hours perfecting intricate nail art? Or perhaps rock a bright red lip to the grocery store? Do it. Do it all!  

I’ve learnt that crafting a makeup look, curating a skincare ritual... these things should bring us joy, and a sense of empowerment. 

We should be doing them for ourselves – not for others – and we should be embracing the ways they can help us express our individuality and sense of self. 

I’m still learning more about beauty every day, but I do know that life is short: wear the lipstick, rock it, and have fun with it.

What are some surprising things you've learnt about beauty? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Feature Image: Supplied.

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