Hi, my name is Gemma, and I am obsessed with looking at photos of my son from when he was just a teeny tiny newborn.
I think it's because I can't quite wrap my head around how much has changed in such a short period of time. My son is now 16 months old and looking back on his first year, it truly was both the longest and shortest of my life.
Now that I have had time to reflect on all the highs and lows, I need to debrief about the first 12 months of motherhood.
Here are the six things quietly blowing my mind.
1. A lot can happen in a month.
One month you could be dealing with a baby who is refusing bottles, unable to crawl and scared of the bath. The next month you could have a child that is constantly on the move, will only drink from a bottle and is water-obsessed.
Baby development in the first year is truly wild.
One minute they're lying on their backs, smiling and cooing; the next they're running around the house like a tornado, yelling "nana" (can I have a banana?) and "ball" (can we play with my ball?).