We've all had those managers that have made us think, "If I were a manager, I'd do this differently". Then all of a sudden, you receive a promotion and have your chance to be the change you want to see!
Let's pause for a second so you can take a minute to celebrate yourself - go ahead, I'll wait.
It's a big responsibility, but it means your management team trusts you to lead your team and sees your potential so be sure to recognise the same in yourself; you deserve it.
After leading, growing and developing various teams, I'm here to share some common work mistakes I see first time people leaders make (including myself), so that you can avoid them.
Watch: Job interviews translated. Post continues below.
1. Don't be afraid to get it wrong.
A lot of people wrongly assume that just because you're a manager, you have all the answers and will get it right 100 per cent of the time - but that's just not the case.
There is strength in being vulnerable with your team and not being afraid to say "I don't know, but I will find out and get back to you". An employee will respect that more than giving them some long-winded response as a means to hiding the truth - transparent communication with your team builds trust and respect.