
"My 10-year-old's skin started to change, so we created her first skincare routine. Here's exactly how it went."

Thanks to our brand partner, allkinds

"Mum... what is that?" my daughter Summer asked pointedly one night when she was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror whilst invading my personal shower time.  

Sensing her urgency for an answer (mainly due to her eyeballs staring at me wildly as her fingers prodded at her forehead), I switched off the shower, grabbed my towel and moved in to closely inspect her face.

"It's a pimple, babe," I quickly responded. 

"Sorry, what? A pimple? I don’t get pimples. How embarrassing!" she exclaimed in complete horror. She stormed off downstairs as I had a little giggle to myself about the pre-teen hormones that were already raging through her body.

As I dressed however, taking in my own changing body (thanks kids and old age!), I remember exactly how I felt at her age discovering my first pimple. My first underarm hair. My little growing breasts. And eventually at 11, my first period.

I remember how exposed and different I felt from my friends. The boobs, hair and period I could disguise or hide, but not my face. The angry little red mountains adorning my baby face were right there for all to see, laugh at, and comment on. That isn’t what I want for Summer. 

And neither does she, because while I was cooking dinner that evening, she told me she wants to use something to help her skin so she can feel more confident going to school and looking in the mirror (oh my heart!). 

Image: Supplied. 


So we decided it's the perfect time to kickstart her first skin routine. We stumbled across Allkinds which seemed like a great choice because it's designed specifically for her age group and is super simple with a 2-step routine – cleanse and moisturise. Easy!

There are three skincare routines available so you can be sure to choose the right one for your child’s skin type and current skin situation:

  • Classic Care: Gently hydrating, non-comedogenic active ingredients to keep skin happy.
  • Clearing Care: Gentle-but-effective active ingredients that help make spots and breakouts no biggie.
  • Gentle Care: Ultra-gentle, non-irritating, and super-hydrating – it’s everyday care for sensitive skin.

As Summer's skin is prone to sensitivity, we went with the Gentle Care routine which includes a cleanser and moisturiser. Both were 135ml bottles so they will last for quite some time.

Image: Supplied. 

Allkinds’ products are naturally fragranced and Australian-made which is a huge factor for me as a parent. They are also dermatologically-tested and PH balanced which is important for Summer’s changing skin.


And as a highly visual person, their product packaging is absolutely beautiful – slick, clean and a really nice touch to the ‘you’re growing up babe’ vibes. And the box they came in – oh the box! I mean, who wouldn’t be excited by receiving this?!

Image: Supplied. 

Summer was super keen to start her new skincare routine, so she hurriedly put on her Allkinds Waffle Headband and had all but started wetting her face when I stopped her. 


"We need to do a patch test first, hun, to make sure your skin doesn’t react," I explained. So she quickly offered me her cheek, to which I replaced with her wrist, and applied a pea-sized amount of the cleanser and moisturiser. We waited 20 minutes and after the visual all-clear, forged ahead! 

With already damp hands and face, Summer applied a small amount of her Allkinds Gentle Care Everyday Cleanser to her face and spread all over in circular motions, careful not to get any in her eyes. She said it spread easily all over her face, and she liked the coolness.

Image: Supplied. 


Using her Allkinds Silicone Face Disc, Summer did soft circular motions all over her face so that the cleanser could really work in removing any dirt or bacteria on her skin.

Once finished, she wet an Allkinds Reusable Bamboo Face Wipe and removed the cleanser from her face. This can also be done easily with a damp cloth or even a splash to the face of water. The important thing is to ensure the cleanser product and any residue is removed from the skin before drying and applying anything further.

Image: Supplied. 


After patting her face dry on a fresh towel, Summer dotted her Allkinds Gentle Care Everyday Moisturiser on her face – something she enjoyed immensely. 

Image: Supplied. 


Softly, she distributed the moisturiser all over her face, again avoiding the eye area, until it was all gone and soaking into her clean skin. 

"Feel my skin mum – FEEL IT! It’s so soft!" she marvelled, touching her whole face in amazement. She was right, her face felt nice and soft, and strangely enough, clean. She didn’t experience any irritation (thanks patch test!) and was done in literally 5 minutes.

Image: Supplied. 


Summer’s been using her Allkinds Gentle Care Routine for a week now and I’m really happy with how her skin is reacting. It’s remained nice and soft, and there haven’t been any signs of oiliness or product build-up. She still has some little hormonal pimples, however, the bigger ones have definitely reduced and she no longer has a slight sheen to her forehead (and certainly no dryness like many skincare products can cause).

I absolutely recommend starting your tweens on an Allkinds skincare routine. The products are suitable for all kinds of kids and skin types and has been especially made for skin that is growing up.

It’s also easy for them to remember – cleanse and moisturise, that’s it! – and I actually found it to be a really lovely bonding experience for Summer and I.

All we want as parents is for our kids to be happy, healthy and to feel comfortable in their own skin. Pre-teens years can be the time for such awkwardness about their bodies and Allkinds can help with part of that challenge. 

Put your child's skin in their own growing hands by checking out Allkinds' extensive range online. Their changing skin will thank you for it.

Image: Supplied/Mamamia.

Grow up all kinds of awesome. allkinds have developed three unique Skincare routines that have been formulated specifically for skin that is growing up.
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