real life

He said gay sex was "kind of gross". The response? Priceless.

What could possibly go wrong?

Sticking a bunch of gay and homophobic people together and telling them to hug it out sounds like an idea that could really backfire.

But that’s exactly what YouTube’s The Gay Women Channel did – and the video of that experiment is one of the most heart-warming things you’ll see today.

The channel recruited a group of gay people who were willing to meet some semi-homophobic volunteers for a chat (and a hug) for a short film.

The whole experiment starts with some stilted small talk and general introductions. And then? AWKWARD HUGGING GOLD.

Post continues after video.

Sure, there are some very tense parts. But it’s also hugely uplifting.

Related: This gay couple’s response to “faggots” attack is perfect.

The film also captures an explanation about why the homophobic people feel uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuality.

Related: WATCH: Mia Freedman chats about how technology has changed parenting.

Now back to the hugging:

There is too much cuteness going on here.

And this:

Possibly the most awkward hug of all time.

And this:

They’re bonding.

But, my friends, I have left the best bit ’til last – you HAVE to watch this guy’s brilliantly simple response when his new buddy tells him “your whole sex thing is kind of gross”.

He responds with, “I think your sex thing is kinda gross.”

Well that’s that, then.


Touche, sir. Touche.

How did this video make you feel?

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