‘Dad, I’m going to school today…’
‘Yes you are Lottie.’
‘Dad, can I go pack my lunch?’
‘No Lottie, it’s only 6am, go back to sleep please.’
‘Ok Dad, I’ll just pack some grapes…’
‘Yes Lottie, don’t yell please.’
‘DAD! we don’t have any grapes.’
‘Dad, we need grapes.’
‘Ok Lotts, but the shops aren’t open yet.’
‘It’s ok Dad, I’ll take chips instead.’
‘Dad, can I put my uniform on.’
‘No Lottie, it’s still only 6am.’
‘Ok Dad, I’ll just put my skirt on then…’
‘Dad, it has shorts inside it…’
Dear Lottie and Tom,
Thank you for making today easier. Day One of Big School for you Tom Tom. Day One of 2,500, give or take a few public holidays and off to Kinder Green.
And Day One of Pre School for you Pott – another Ground Parrot in the house.
Lotts, I love that you were so pumped about school you packed two extra pairs of undies… just in case.
And Tommy, you were quietly confident. First into the hall and first through the classroom door, and you weren’t really sure what all the fuss was about. Playing it coy, perhaps, and I love that you’re looking forward to learning how to read.
Thank you both. Thank you for being brave. Thank you for embracing change. And thank you for doing it with a smile and a gorgeous cuddle at the end of the day. A cuddle that melted my heart and would have melted Mummy’s too. A cuddle that helped more than I can explain in words.
The Parent Code, on everything about starting school. Post continues after audio.
Today was another first for me, a first for you both, and another first that Mummy wasn’t, and isn’t, here for. There will be more – another at this time next year when you head off to Kinder Potts, so at least we’re getting some practise in.