“We have tried school, many times, and failed miserably each time. Our children simply are not safe there”.
It’s 8:15 am and I’m surfing Facebook. My friends are starting to post pictures of their kids. It’s the first day of school and so my social media feed is an ocean of tartan and polo shirts (bucket hat optional).
My youngest son is starting Year One and like all my friend’s children, this is his first day too. But he doesn’t have a new uniform. Or a new backpack or even a new lunchbox.
He doesn’t have these items second hand either. He doesn’t have these items at all.
More like this? First day of school. A beautiful, emotional story.
My son has to be schooled at home due to a medical condition. Just like his brother.
He has Autism and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (a connective tissue disorder which affects mainly joints, but can also additionally affect any body system) and schools are simply not funded enough to be able to take care of my boys’ needs.
We have tried school, many times, and failed miserably each time. Our children simply are not safe there.
One year, my eldest son hurt his ankle while walking with his class and substitute teacher. She had not been told of his condition, and even if she had, would not have understood it. So since there was no obvious sign of an accident, she tried to force him to get up off the ground and walk again by verbally threatening him.
And when that did not work (my son was in a lot of pain), she yanked him up by his arm, which could have quite possibly done long term damage to his shoulder joint.
He came home scared and confused, because he has Aspergers and did not understand why the teacher didn’t believe him
Thankfully, his classmates stood up for him, which made him feel a little bit better.