
Open Post: What’s happening in your world?

Open post is where you get to tell us everything that’s going on in your world this week. 

Hi everyone!

It’s time for our second week of the open post; a space where we want YOU to share your parenting week with us. Tell us the up’s, tell us the downs. It’s even a safe space to share how you ate all the kids chocolates after they went to bed. You’ll find no judgement here.

Last week went well for our first open post but we would love some more interaction from everyone. Parenting can be a lonely existence sometimes so it’s nice to feel part of a community with other parents feeling exactly the same way you do.

I’ll start us off. For me, this is a big week.

My eldest son starts his first day of pre school on Thursday and I’m already a blubbering mess. I know it’s time, but as I’m sure so many of you mum’s (and dad’s) will understand, it’s just another step highlighting that my baby is not a baby anymore.

I already know that I’ll be that mess of a woman at the front gate so I need some ideas on how I should keep myself busy. I’d love to hear from some other mums and dad’s about what you did to pass the time on their child’s first day of preschool (or school). Maybe some suggestions of nice one-on-one things I can do with my youngest to make the most of this new found time with him?

And, if any of you have any suggestions on preparing for day one, please share. I’ll be taking notes!

As always, we want to hear everything and anything that you wish to share about your week. Ask advice, vent away or simply relish in the fact that you’re kids are probably in bed and this might be your only chance for adult interaction for the rest of the week!

Enjoy your Sunday Night!

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