
"Help, is my son too young for this present?"

I know he’d love it but does that make it right?

When I was 7, I’m pretty sure I wanted a giant teddy bear and some colouring pencils for my birthday. Pretty lame I know but, at the time, I thought awesome colouring-in pencils were incredibly cool.

As my son approaches 7, in just a few short weeks, I have to decide what to get him for his birthday and it’s not an easy decision (a teddy bear and pencils are not on his list).

As I considered what I’d buy him, I thought how different the times are now. And I have to say I am considering doing something I said I never ever would.

I’m thinking about getting him a computer.

Not an uber expensive one; they sell tablets and laptops pretty cheap now. But it would be one for him to call his own.

Is he too young?

Is 7 too young?

I have my work laptop and then we have a home PC. Between the four of us in our family we use both of them daily.

Am I spoiling him if I give in? Would a tablet be a better option?

I've always said my kids would never have their own electronics. But then again I always said my kids would never eat Coco pops for dinner on days I was too lazy to cook...


The thing is, he loves the computer. And he doesn't play games on it. He searches on the internet, watches videos and uses word processing software to write stories.

He hasn't asked for a computer, I've just discussed the idea with my partner as he started using the home one more and more.

Have I really turned into the parent I hate?

I'd love to know at what age other parents are buying electronic goods for their kids. Are most people waiting till the kids needs one for school or is there an age where most kids have their own devices now?

I know some parents would probably freak out at the idea. I think I was his age when we first got a computer, let alone having one all to myself.

And if not a computer, what else can we get him? He has way too many toys, mountains of Lego, books coming out his ears and a wardrobe full of clothes.

Help please!

What should I get my son for his birthday?

Want more? Try:

“What I want my son to know on his 7th birthday.”

“Dear Parents, it’s a child’s birthday party not a wedding, get over yourselves.”

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