reality tv

Fiona O'Loughlin just won I'm A Celebrity... and these are the 4 reasons she deserved to.

Fiona O’Loughlin is easily the best thing to come out of this season’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! 

She sweet, kind, open, honest… and she just took the top prize on tonight’s finale of the jungle based reality show.

With a record amount of public votes, Fiona, 54, beat out Shannon Noll for the crown, and she completely deserved it. Here’s why.

1. She’s been honest about her battle with alcoholism.

Fiona has never tried to hide her problems, and has spoken honestly – both on and off the show – about her struggles with alcoholism.

The comedian’s addiction was so bad, she lapsed into a coma in 2016. She recovered and spent months in rehab.

“There are people out there like me who simply cannot drink because we have an inverse allergy and it will destroy us,” she said candidly in an episode of the program.

Fiona also didn’t shy away from admitting her alcoholism is something she constantly struggles with, and that she had had a relapse as recently as six months ago.

“I would hide it in my bras… handbag linings, I would always cut the lining and hide it in there,” she added.

“What my family did for me, and particularly one of my sisters, she saved my life. Even when I went off the grid, at the very end I was homeless because I couldn’t let my family see it, so I went underground. That was the last three months of it.”

The fact she has spoken so openly about her battle is not only indicative of her strength, but a helping hand for anyone facing the same issues.


2. Speaking of her alcoholism, she’s confessed her addiction has been really hard for her kids.

The fact that Fiona was so brutally honest and remorseful about how her alcoholism affected her relationship with her kids, makes her all the more worthy of empathy and… human.

In an interview with the ABC back in 2014, Fiona said her daughter, Mary, ultimately ended up saving her life.

The famous comedian had booked herself into a hotel under a false name, where she was planning on taking her own life.


“I had gone missing and she just went to the hotel and asked for me and they said, ‘No, she’s not here,'” she said.

“Mary just knew in her heart that I was there and she would not leave. She described what I looked like and sure enough I was there.”

Despite their difficulties, seeing Fiona embrace her son, one of her five children, on Sunday night’s episode of I’m a Celeb… just hammered home how much her family, stories about whom often appear in her comedy acts, mean to her.

3. She was super sad when her BFF Peter left the jungle.

Fiona sobbing on a garbage bin is not an image we’ll forget anytime soon. Our hearts broke a little bit when her best friend and biggest ally Peter Rowsthorn, 55, left the show.

And Peter seemed equally upset about being sent home.

“I’m a bit gutted,” he told shortly after leaving the jungle.

“I’ve had a good time. I’ve met great people, I’ve done some amazing things I would never have done. It had its hard moments but it was a really amazing opportunity.”

Like the rest of us, Peter hung his hopes on Fiona to take out the top prize. Luckily she did.

“I’d love Fiona to win it because she’s virtually re-starting her life from scratch, so I would love her to do it for that reason,” he said.


4. She was so excited when her son surprised her in the jungle.

There were tears, and there were plenty of kisses, as Fiona smothered her son Bert with affection after he magically appeared in the jungle to surprise her on Sunday’s episode of the show.

But it was her reaction when she saw him waiting for her that melted our cold souls – that goofy little mum dance of pure joy. In that moment, she was all our mums, and our hearts exploded.

And even though Fiona’s sister was also on hand, there’s no denying it was her son who she was really hanging out to see.

Sweetly, Bert seemed equally as thrilled to have been reunited with his mum, and the pair later performed a moving rendition of “Danny Boy”, which moved the other contestants to tears. Our hearts.


And that right there is why Fiona deserved to walk out of the jungle with a crown on her head. And clearly the rest of Australia agreed.

LISTEN: “Often one of the biggest symptoms of depression is being unlikable.”

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