
Fiona Falkiner shares the body positive advice we’ve always wanted to hear.

In the season of bikini selfies on social media, Fiona Falkiner‘s latest post comes as a refreshing change — and an important reminder.

Sharing a mirror selfie on her Instagram page, the former Biggest Loser contestant and current host had some choice words to share about people’s obsession with size and labels.

“I get asked a lot what size I am, it’s not about size it’s about being the best you that you can be. I used to be ashamed of my body now I embrace it and love it with all its imperfections,” she wrote.

Image: Instagram (@fionafalkiner)


"I know I train hard and treat my body kindly with love and respect. My tiger stripes show the journey my body has taken and I wear them with pride. Love who you are, don't try to be anything but the best version of you!"

It's the latest post in a growing list of reality checks Falkiner has delivered on Instagram about what's really important about being healthy and feeling good about yourself.

And in a month when many people's attention is focussed on their weight and health, her reminder couldn't be more timely.

A firm believer in working hard and maintaining a balance for a #healthystateofmind — Falkiner proudly celebrated her birthday last week with multiple cakes and expresso martinis, as one should! — the TV host also recently reflected on her own health journey to share some wisdom about New Year's resolutions.

"As we wrap up another year, I always like to look back and reflect on what I have achieved and who I have become both inside and out, not only on the past 12 months, but also the last few years," she wrote on Instagram. (Post continues after gallery.)

"This time of the year is perfect to write down 'decisions' you want to make leading into the New Year. I know everyone makes 'New Years Resolutions' but sometimes you need to ‘decide’ to be happy, decide to be healthy, and decide to be the 'best you' you possibly can be."

Here's to not fretting over failed resolutions and deciding to be happy and healthy, inside and out.

What's the best body image advice you've ever been given?

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