There was a time when dating came easily for me. That was when I was at Uni, straight and had a massive amount of time on my hands. And then I came out, and realised that finding a girl was way harder than finding a boy!
You see I like a particular kind of girl, which in the gay world is known as a ‘femme’ or a ‘lipstick’. These girls are like spies, totally unrecognisable in a crowd because they look completely straight.
So how does one know if a straight looking girl is into other girls? You don’t. Which makes it really hard to know who to flirt with, and who not to flirt with. (Flirting with straight girls is not advisable as it often leads to rejection, but it has been hobby of mine in the past)
Anyway, so I have a theory that there are hundreds, if not thousands of other girls out there like me, who are currently looking for feminine girls to date. But if you can’t pick them in the street, how do you go about finding them? It was at this point that the cogs in my mind started turning, and I knew I needed to come up with a plan.
I woke up one morning with only the warmth of my electric blanket, and an idea! Coming from a Marketing background, I was going to use everything I’d learnt about promoting products to start a campaign to find myself a girl! And so “Reasons to Date Courtney Beck” was born, a Tumblr about my search to find some amazing women to date. (And perhaps I would even find the one?!)
The actual idea behind “Reasons to Date Courtney Beck” is fairly self-explanatory; I am listing all of the reasons as to why you should consider dating me. Some of these reasons include that I: Brush my teeth twice a day, I work in Advertising, take a lot of pride in my appearance, enjoy a good social life, and have an excellent relationship with my family. I also like to think I’m quite entertaining, but you can decide on that if ever were to go out on a date.
Check out Courtney’s blog here
What have you done to find love?