
Five tricks that will bring back your sparkle. Guaranteed.

QV Skincare
Thanks to our brand partner, QV Skincare

It’s OFFICIALLY that time of the year.

You know the one – the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the long hibernation season has officially come to end. Except that there’s one problem; you didn’t get the memo on the above. You possibly definitely ate porridge for dinner last night, and you can’t remember how to shave your legs.

Rest easy – you’re not alone.

Sometimes to find our sparkle, we need a little help. And no, not of the “try a juice cleanse!” variety, either. (Absolutely nobody has time for a juice cleanse.)

We are savvy women who need HACKS and TRICKS and other buzzwords that roughly translate to “minimal effort, maximum reward”. God dammit, we live for efficiency, and we want results.

Because guess what? We’re busy. We have stuff to do. So let’s invest in what will rejuvenate our lives, and do all the work for us – right?


Here are some oh-so-easy life hacks that will bring your shimmer back, you ridiculously good looking go-getter, you!


 Truth. Image: Universal Pictures.

1. Jazz up your hydration routine.

Making sure we stay hydrated is one of the easiest, cheapest and simplest ways that we can get our glow back, both inside and out. Drinking water is obviously the go-to of when looking to get more hydrated, but for many of us it’s a habit that’s easily forgotten.

Eating the right foods however, can do wonders.

Fresh fruit and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelons are packed full with the good guys (water and minerals) who will boost your skin’s natural glow. Added bonus is that they’re tasty too.

If you’re taking the traditional water route, try for something a little bit fancy. Berries, mint leaves, and citrus fruits make a great addition, to turn your plain ol’ water into a treat that you can’t get enough of.


While you’re at it - make sure that beautiful skin of yours is hydrated too. Start your skin hydration routine in the shower opting for warm over hot showers, and products that are going to leave your skin soft, supple and moisturised. Ditch all the nasty chemicals, and give your skin what it deserves: gentle, soap-free nourishment that doesn’t irritate. Show your skin some love so that you can get the most out of it.


"Berries, mint leaves, and citrus fruits make a great addition." Image: iStock.

2. Become the bed makin’ lady you’ve always wanted to be.

Yep - it’s time to get that bedding ORGANISED, lady! Start spending an extra three minutes in the morning to rejig the sheets and that fancy-pants doona cover of yours.

You owe it to your inner interior designer (and those six overpriced decorative cushions you bought).

A decluttered bedroom space will do so much good - it’ll leave you feeling energised and accomplished before you’ve even brushed your teeth. Score.

Bonus: When you get home after a jam-packed day of running around after the kids/work/being an everyday superwoman, you will have a haven of fluffiness to face-plant into.

3. Don’t be scared to treat yourself.

When you look good, you feel good. So don’t be scared to splurge every now and then on the nice things - whether that’s a mani/pedi, or even just an at-home face mask.

You work hard, and you deserve to take copious amounts of R’n’R. I repeat, copious amounts of R’n’R.

(Psst! Treating yourself definitely includes treating your skin.)

Being constantly on the go can wreak havoc on your complexion, so take the time and invest in good quality skin care. Your pores freakin’ DESERVE it.


"You deserve to take copious amounts of R’n’R." Image: iStock.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend all your hard-earned money, either. Choose products that will do all the heavy lifting for you, and work for your skin type. If your skin is a little on the dry side; start with a moisturising cleanser to lock hydration into your skin. If you find that your skin is oily to combination, use a light weight product that won’t clog up your pores.

Develop a good, nifty skin care routine and your confidence will want to buy you a nice dinner as a reward.


Nobody enjoys putting up with a dry, blotchy or dull skin. So don’t!

4. Master your go-to ‘do.

It’s too easy to hide our faces behind shaggy, untamed, kinda-maybe-sorta-still-damp mops, so spend a little bit of time to master your go-to hairdo. The one that you can pull out on the days you’re just not feeling it, but makes it look like you are. I’m talking minimum effort, for maximum reward.

As my mum always told me, an up-do is like an instant face lift BUT BETTER because it costs precisely zero effort and zero clams. Tick tick!

Make a commitment to the (totally underrated) messy bun or a nice, slick ponytail instead. Quick tip: curl the ends of your pony, for some added style.

Metallic hair cuffs and accessories can make your quick ‘do look fit for a runway, so don’t be afraid to chuck one in when your hair isn’t being its bouncy self.


"The (totally underrated) messy bun." Image: Giphy.

5. Make ‘me time’ a priority.

What does ‘me time’ consist of, you ask?


Firstly, this means you’ll need to leave work at work. Promise yourself that you won’t check your emails after 5pm, or - even better - turn your phone off altogether and aim for an hour of ‘screen free’ time everyday.

Your busy brain deserves a break too.

While you’re at it, join a bookclub! Find a podcast series you love! Take baking classes! Or just further explore your passion for wine and napping! (I’m not gonna judge.)

Prioritise you for a change, and I promise you’ll feel so much better for it.

What are your tips and tricks for getting your sparkle back?

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