
Monday's news in 5 minutes.

1. Final photos of grandmother and step-grandson missing in Grand Canyon found on GoPro.

Eerie final photos of a grandmother and her step-grandson who have been missing for more than a week in the Grand Canyon have been released on social media by their family.

According to the Metro UK, a GoPro belonging to missing 14-year-old Jackson Standefer was found during the search and rescue effort for the pair, who have been missing since last Saturday.

Jackson and his 62-year-old step-grandmother, Lou Ann Merrell, lost their footing on a hiking track in the Canyon and fell into a creek, which leads to the Colorado River.


They were swept away by the current and have not been seen since.

The photos captured by Jackson’s GoPro camera have been posted online by his uncle, Mark McOmie, and show the teen and the hiking party – which included his mum and his grandfather – posing and smiling during their hike.

The search for the pair has now been “scaled back”, despite employing new search techniques to find the pair, including drones.

A statement from the family said they supported the park’s decision, but they were “still praying for a miracle”.

The Grand Canyon national park covers over 3000 square kilometres. It’s believed 17 people died on their visit to the Grand Canyon last year.

2. A 12-year-old boy drove 1300km across NSW on his own before he was stopped by police.


Police are continuing to investigate how a 12-year-old boy managed to drive 1300 kilometres across NSW, from the east coast to the South Australian border, without being stopped.

According to AAP, the boy was attempting to drive solo across Australia to Perth when he was arrested in Broken Hill on Saturday a third of the way into his journey.

The boy had started his road trip in Kendall near Port Macquarie and was en route to Perth, a police spokesperson said in a statement on Sunday afternoon.

Broken Hill highway patrol officers stopped the 12-year-old’s vehicle about 11am on Saturday when they noticed its bumper dragging on the ground.

“Checks revealed the driver to be a 12-year-old boy travelling from Kendall NSW on his way to Perth,” the spokesperson said.

The boy was arrested and taken to Broken Hill police station.


A duty officer there refused to comment further on the case saying it was now in the hands of the Mid North Coast command.

But Port Macquarie police were unable to shed more light on the boy’s trip when they were contacted on Sunday night.

AAP understands it’s unlikely he’ll be charged due to his young age.

People posting on social media were astounded the 12-year-old had made it so far.

“Clearly he’s a top driver. No ticket in 1300km,” Lou Steer wrote on Facebook.

Lucy Kuipers posted: “How did this boy manage to get fuel?”

Elsewhere the illegal driver was praised as a “pretty clever kid” who deserved a “gold star for effort”.

NSW Police say their inquiries are continuing.

3. Man charged over the alleged attempted sexual assault of a young boy in a shopping centre toilet.


A man has been refused bail and will face court today after allegedly attempting to drag a young boy into a toilet cubicle at a Sydney shopping centre.

The 12-year-old victim was in the public toilet in Bass Hill on Saturday night when he noticed a man in a cubicle with the door open, AAP reports.

The boy tried to leave but the man “grabbed him by his waist and pulled him into the cubicle” in an alleged attempted sexual assault, NSW Police said in a statement on Sunday.

The attacker hit the 12-year-old in the head during the ordeal.

But the boy managed to escape when two other men entered the toilet and startled the perpetrator.

A 46-year-old man attended Bankstown Police Station on Sunday evening and was charged with assault with intent to have sexual intercourse with children between 10-16.

4. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop hits back at North Korea’s nuclear threat.


Uneasy tensions between North Korea and the rest of the region are likely to remain as the rogue state continues to dish out threats of nuclear attacks.

It turned its sights on Australia on Saturday for “blindly and zealously toeing the US line” and accused Foreign Minister Julie Bishop of “spouting a string of rubbish against the DPRK over its entirely just steps for self-defence”.

It was responding to comments made by Ms Bishop last week sanctions would send “the clearest possible message” to North Korea that its behaviour would not be tolerated.


“If Australia persists in following the US moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and remains a shock brigade of the US master, this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of the DPRK,” Pyongyang said.

Ms Bishop told AAP on Sunday that North Korea’s threats of nuclear strikes against other nations further underlines the need for the regime to abandon its illegal nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

“These present a grave threat to its neighbours and, if left unchecked, to the broader region including Australia,” she said.

“The North Korean government should invest in the welfare of its long-suffering citizens, rather than weapons of mass destruction.”

North Korea’s nuclear threat dominated talks on Saturday between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and visiting US Vice President Mike Pence.

Labor’s defence spokesman Richard Marles said on Sunday North Korea’s latest statement was a matter of enormous concern, but noted Pyongyang had made similar threats to other nations, even a veiled one to its ally China.

5. Family of grandma who ‘vanished’ on Easter Sunday issue a desperate plea for her return.


More than a week after she went missing, the family of a NSW grandmother have implored her to get in touch and let them know she’s okay.

Jillian Fahey, 50, hasn’t been seen since she left her large property near Crookwell, about 40km northwest of Goulburn, a week ago.

A 60 square km search by police and SES officers, which began on Easter Monday, has so far failed to find any trace of the mother of three.

Daughter Taegan Faye on Sunday told 7 News: “I just want her to come back.”

“It’s just bizarre, it’s like a dream, it’s not like her at all,” Taegan said.


Ms Fahey failed to return for a family lunch after going for a walk around her sprawling rural property.

The Seven Network says detectives are investigating whether Ms Fahey may have met someone online in the days before she disappeared.

6. Couple’s miracle rescue after 24 hours stranded in the Australian outback.

A Darwin couple spent 24 hours awaiting rescue in outback Western Australia after getting bogged in the Gibson Desert, before they were miraculously rescued, AAP reports.


The man, 32, and woman, 27, were heading to Warburton when their 4WD got stuck about 300km northwest of the remote community about 11.30am on Friday.

They activated a personal locator beacon and a rescue bid stretched over two days ensued, led by WA Police and assisted by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

On Friday afternoon a search plane from Kalgoorlie – more than 900km away – spotted the pair who had made camp by their Toyota LandCruiser.

On Saturday morning a second plane, an AMSA Challenger, dropped off an emergency kit which included a satellite phone so they could make contact with Warburton police.

Finally, a long-range search and rescue helicopter from Bristowe Helicopters in Broome plucked the pair to safety about 11.45am WAST Saturday.

Four hours later, the helicopter arrived in Broome and the couple were taken to the Broome Regional Hospital.

The Darwin residents were released from hospital on Saturday evening.

7. Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen set for presidential face-off after French election results.


Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen are set to face each other in a May 7 runoff for the French presidency after coming first and second in the first round of voting, early projections indicated.

In a race that was too close to call up to the last minute on Sunday Macron, a pro-European Union ex-banker and economy minister who founded his own party only a year ago, was projected to get 24 per cent by the pollster Harris and 23.7 per cent by Elabe.

Le Pen, leader of the anti-immigration and anti-EU National Front, was given 22 per cent by both institutes.

Harris gave both conservative candidate Francois Fillon and far-left contender Jean-Luc Melenchon 20 percent, which would mean their elimination from the race.


Fillon had consistently been polling third in surveys leading up to the election. French senator and key Fillon supporter Roger Karoutchi told reporters: “The first indications are not good.”

The result, if confirmed, will mean a face-off between politicians with radically contrasting economic visions for a country whose economy lags that of its neighbours and where a quarter of young people are unemployed.

Though Macron, 39, is a comparative political novice who has never held elected office, opinion polls in the run-up to the ballot have consistently seen him winning the final clash against the 48-year-old Le Pen easily.

That in turn reduces the prospect of an anti-establishment shock on the scale of Britain’s vote last June to quit the EU and the election of Donald Trump as US president.

Macron favours gradual deregulation measures that will be welcomed by global financial markets, while Le Pen wants to ditch the euro currency and possibly pull out of the EU.

Whatever the outcome on May 7, it will mean a redrawing of France’s political landscape, which has been dominated for 60 years by mainstream groupings from the centre-left and centre-right, both of whose candidates faded.

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