“Coming up: Fifi Box is here with baby Trixie to talk about her weight loss mission.”
That’s the tweet I read this morning from Sunrise and I have to be honest and say it stopped me in my tracks.
Fifi Box? Weight loss mission? Hang on, didn’t she just have a baby like 30 SECONDS AGO?
Twelve weeks ago, actually, as I found out watching Fifi this morning on Sunrise explain how she’s become an “ambassador’ for some new low-carb Atkins diet bars:
And as I heard Fifi roll out all the usual politically correct lines about it not being a diet and how she’s eating sensibly and in no rush to lose weight (except that in six weeks she’s lost nearly 3 kgs!), well a little bit of my soul crumpled.
Dammit, we’ve lost another good one to the dark side, I thought (because I’m a bit melodramatic like that).
Here we are with yet another new celebrity mother succumbing to the pressure of having her post baby body back faster than you can say, “K-ching. The Australian weight-loss industry posted profits of $63 million dollars last year.”
And then I thought, “Wow. You’re a hypocrite.”
Me. Not Fifi.
Because last year just weeks after I gave birth to Fin, I was doing Michelle Bridge’s 12 week challenge.
Oh yes I was people.