Five years ago, 39-year-old Julie Corey told her ex boyfriend Alex Dion that she was pregnant and that the child was his.
Later that year, Corey again contacted Dion and told him that her waters had broken and that she was heading to the hospital.
Soon after, she introduced Dion to their little baby girl…. But some parts of Corey’s story just didn’t add up.
According to records, Corey had told Dion that her labour had lasted 20 minutes and that she’d gone home from the hospital just five hours later. Corey reportedly told Dion she left because nurses weren’t giving her the care she needed.
It’s also been reported that Dion noticed the baby girl was quite small and that her umbilical chord was still attached and that it had been tied with a ribbon. The baby didn’t look like she had been delivered safely in a hospital, under the care of professionally trained dstaff.
This week, a woman from the American state of Massachusetts stands accused of beating her pregnant friend to death and removing the unborn baby from her womb. She is facing a trial by jury. That woman is Julie Corey.
Woman goes on trial for killing pregnant friend and stealing a fetus
— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) January 25, 2014