
If you've ever felt left behind in life, this post is for you.


Sometimes it can really feel like everyone in life is doing better than you.

Your family, friends, co-workers, that woman from your old job you’re still friends with on Facebook even though you don’t like her very much (you just like to voyeuristically check in on what’s she’s doing) – they’re all doing better.

Accomplishing more in their careers. Getting engaged. Getting married. Having kids. Still having social lives. Travelling overseas. Being generally fulfilled.

Especially in an age when we are exposed to such much detail about the lives of our friends and acquaintances, it’s sometimes easy to feel like you’re being left behind. But you really shouldn’t feel that way, and this cartoon explains why.

This is how it starts…

And you might want to give up entirely…

But listen to the voice of reason.




This cartoon, posted on Imgur, is a good reminder of a simple lesson.

Just go at your own pace.

Share this post with someone who might need the reminder.

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