For any child wondering, this is the truth behind “favourites”.
To my beautiful children,
To the warm little bodies that fill my heart, to your quizzical minds that make me think, to your laughing eyes and tiny fingers I want to say this – you are all my favourites.
You might hear otherwise when you are growing up.
You might hear playground tales of my-mum-loves-my brother-or-sister-more.
You might be told off by me for doing wrong, or snapped at when I’m tired or busy but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you all the same. All equally, totally, unbelievably.
I’ve heard of parents who say that they favour one child over another.
I’ve read confessions from mothers who say they have a favourite and it puzzles me.
When my first-born came into the world I was breathless with how engulfing my love for him was. How he crept under my skin and I never believed I could love another as much.
For nine months I worried that I couldn’t echo this love. A part of me grieved for the fact I would have to share my love. I couldn’t understand how parents could love more than one baby.
And then I had my second child and I knew in an instant you don’t fragment your love, you double it.
It’s a type of ecstasy to realise how boundless your love for your children can be.