
News in 5: Dad killed cycling; Boy, 3, suffers dog attack; Simpsons word in dictionary.

1. “Loving dad” killed while cycling with his 5yo daughter. They were on their way to meet her mum.  

Father-of-three Daniel Thompson, 28, was cycling with his five-year-old daughter Emily in Adelaide on Monday afternoon.

It was 4.30pm and the pair were pedalling up the road to meet Daniel’s wife, Leanne, and his two other children when they collided with a car on Murray Bridge, News Corp reports.

The cyclist – who has represented his state in the sport, News Corp reports – was flown to hospital in a critical condition.

Now he’s being remembered as a loving, caring father, after succumbing to his injuries.

“They’re going to miss him because he was very close to them and they were to him,” said grandfather Ken Thompson, according to Channel Nine.

“His wife has got to look after a young family now on her own. (That) makes it hard.”

Emily was treated for minor injuries following the crash, and the driver of the vehicle was taken to hospital for treatment for shock.

As Daniel’s wife Leanne begins to rebuild following such a devastating loss, many other families are experiencing the same anguish.

It’s been a horrific start to March on the roads, with six people dying on South Australian roads in the last seven days.


2. Three-year-old Tom is the third child to be viciously attacked by a dog this week. 

Tom Higgins dog attack
Three-year-old Tom Higgins was injured by a Great Dane on Tuesday night. Image via 7 News.

Three-year-old Tom Higgins was riding his bike down his Newcastle street on Tuesday night, collecting aluminium cans for recycling, when he was viciously attacked by a stranger's dog.

The Great Dane, twice the boy's size, ran through an open gate and bit the boy's neck. Tom suffered injuries to his face, neck and back and, on Wednesday morning, underwent surgery to have part of his ear reattached, Seven News reports.

The dog's owner said the animal, called Rosco, doesn't like bikes. And, though Tom is expected to make a full recovery, the dog involved will likely be put down.


"I'd say everybody is lucky in this circumstance because it hasn't ended up worse," Acting Inspector Jeffrey Little told Seven News.

"This is a timely reminder that anyone who owns a dangerous dog is in fact liable if that dog bites anybody or attacks any person."

This comes after a 12-month-old girl was mauled to death by a Rottweiler at a home in Inverell in regional NSW on Saturday afternoon.

The following day a 10-year-old girl was seriously injured by a South African boerboel at her Melbourne home.

Gisela Kaplan, emeritus professor in animal behaviour at the University of New England, says any unwanted growling at visitors should cause dog owners to be alarmed.

"The owner has to establish a loving relationship but one that makes it clear the owner is top dog and whatever that owner says goes," Professor Kaplan told AAP on Wednesday.

"They have no right, if a visitor comes to the house, to even bark once or growl once. That means they feel it's their territory and they (the visitor) are invading it - and then they've got the wrong idea."

Tom remains in the John Hunter Children's Hospital in a stable condition. And a Newcastle City Council spokeswoman on Wednesday said a decision had not yet been made to put down the Great Dane but the dog has been surrendered to the council.

3. Happy International Women's Day: NSW workplace laws have finally been updated to protect pregnant women.

pregnant woman working
Image via Getty.

NSW has scrapped a law that effectively allowed employers to fire or refuse to hire a woman because she was pregnant, AAP reports.

The changes, passed by parliament on Wednesday, just a day before International Women's Day, will bring NSW in line with other states, where women who face sex discrimination in the private sector can make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission.

A loophole previously prevented women in NSW from taking that course of action, Attorney-General Mark Speakman said.


"In this day and age, it's unacceptable that a woman could be overlooked for a role or dismissed from a new position once it becomes apparent that she is pregnant," Mr Speakman said in a statement.

Minister for Women Tanya Davies described the old laws as "outdated," saying they discriminated against pregnant women who were job hunting.

The government acknowledged the work of Greens MP Dr Mehreen Faruqi in advocating for the change.

4. "I never wanted the issue made public": Torment for the woman accusing Barnaby Joyce of sexual harassment.

barnaby joyce
Image via Getty.

The woman who accused Barnaby Joyce of sexual harassment says she is "disappointed" the investigation is appearing to be used for political advantage.

According to AAP, Catherine Marriott says she asked the WA National Party what to do, and then went to the federal party with a confidential complaint, which was then leaked to the media.

"I am disappointed if my complaint along with my efforts to have this confidentially investigated are being used for political advantage and my integrity as a result, questioned," Ms Marriott said in a statement on Wednesday.

"I never wanted this issue made public. I specifically requested a private and confidential investigation.

"My complaint was made to the National party in a manner that was meant to protect the privacy of the person involved and I was assured confidentiality."

The WA branch of the party did a review to find out how Ms Marriott's complaint against the former deputy prime minister, who denies the allegations, became public.

The review found the backgrounding of "political operatives" interfered with due process and ultimately led to the naming of the alleged victim.

"It is clear that the actions of the (WA parliamentary) members dealing with this matter further compromised the party and the victim," the review by WA Nationals state director Simon Glassop said, according to Fairfax Media.


Mr Joyce cited Ms Marriott's allegation as the final straw that led him to resign after 16 days of scandal over his affair with his now-pregnant former staffer Vikki Campion.

Ms Marriott said she hired to lawyer to make sure the complaint was dealt with professionally, and then hired a media adviser after her name was leaked and she was inundated with calls.

"This complaint was made not only to address the incident against me - it was about speaking up against inappropriate behaviour by people in powerful positions," she said.

"Suggestions to the contrary are hurtful, incorrect and the very reason why I hesitated to come forward at the time of the incident."

If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT.

5. A word invented by TV show The Simpsons has just made its way into the dictionary.

Homer Simpson
Image via Fox.

In February of 1996, the world was introduced to a brand new word... via an episode of The Simpsons.

In an episode titled Lisa the Iconoclast, in which Lisa Simpson learns the true nature of her town's founder, the word is used during a short film shown to Springfield Elementary students.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man," Jebediah Springfield declares in one scene.

While the word kinda, sorta sounds real, schoolteacher Edna Krabappel notes that she "never heard the word embiggens" until she moved to Springfield.

Now, in 2018, the word has officially made it’s way into the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, the New York Post reports.

It's definition? "To make something bigger or more expansive".

'Embiggen'joins 850 other words which will be added to the dictionary this year. Other additions include subtweet, mansplain, dumpster fire, cryptocurrency and glamping.


6. Donald Trump is now being sued by porn star Stormy Daniels, claiming their non-disclosure agreement is "invalid" .

Who is Stormy Daniels?
Image via Getty.

Adult-film actress Stormy Daniels is suing US President Donald Trump, alleging he never signed a non-disclosure agreement to keep her quiet about an "intimate" relationship between them.

Trump has denied having an affair with Daniels.

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has claimed she had sex with Trump once and then carried on a years-long platonic relationship, AAP reports.


The lawsuit, which Clifford's lawyer Michael Avenatti published in a tweet, says she signed both the agreement and a side letter using her stage name on October 28, 2016, days before the 2016 US presidential election.

Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen signed the document the same day, but Trump never signed the document, the lawsuit claims.

The "hush agreement", as it is called in the lawsuit, refers to Trump as David Dennison and Clifford as Peggy Peterson. The side letter agreement reveals the true identities of the parties as Clifford and Trump, according to the lawsuit.

Clifford asks in the lawsuit for the Los Angeles County Superior Court to declare the agreement and side agreement invalid and unenforceable.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

According to the lawsuit, Clifford and Trump had an intimate relationship that lasted from the summer of 2006 well into 2007, including meetings in Lake Tahoe and at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Daniels was quoted in a 2011 interview with In Touch Weekly magazine that she had an affair with Trump after they met at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006.

Cohen has said he paid Clifford $US130,000 ($A182,000) of his own money in 2016, the year Trump was elected president, but said neither the Trump Organisation nor Trump's campaign was a party to the transaction, though he declined to say publicly what it was for.


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