
Man uses Photoshop to give celebrities plus-sized makeovers.

It’s no surprise when Photoshop is used to make celebrities appear thinner. But what happens when you decide to digitally make them bigger?

Here is an image of Katy Perry as you’ve never seen her before.

Katy Perry fat Photoshop David Lopera
Katy Perry as reimagined by David Lopera. (Image: Supplied).

Of course, it’s not actually Katy Perry.

It’s an image created by a 20 year old Spanish artist, David Lopera, who has used his Photoshop skills, not to remove lumps and bumps but to create extra curves.

He’s taken his digital kung-fu to a number of Hollywood celebrities, including Kim Kardashian:


Katy Perry:

Katy Perry fat Photoshop David Lopera
David Lopera's first photo project featuring Katy Perry. (Image: supplied).

Mila Kunis:

Mila Kunis fat Photoshop David Lopera
Mila Kunis, digitally altered. (Image: supplied).

And Dr Who star, Karen Gillian.

Karen Gillian fat Photoshop David Lopera
Karen Gillian as you've never seen her before. (Image: supplied).

Each image takes about four to six hours to complete. While it's not currently his day-job, Mr Lopera hopes to turn his Photoshop art into a full-time career.

Mr Lopera says that his art is motivated, at least in part, by encouraging women to embrace their bodies.

"I'm not trying to make girls [be unhealthy], I just want people to accept big women a little bit more," Mr Lopera told Mamamia.

Read more: See the dodgy photoshop job that got this ‘celebrity’ lawyer suspended.

The Mr Lopera's images have gone viral, but they also raise some serious questions.

Is it appropriate to do this to women's bodies? Is making women appear larger any better than making them appear smaller?

Would we think it was acceptable to see a short actress made taller? A light skinned woman darker?

Are these images empowering, or do they make us feel just as uncomfortable as other manipulations of women's bodies?

These women are certainly not any more 'real' than any other digital makeover.

Surely body diversity is about making sure that women don't feel like they need to change their body to meet anyone's ideal - whether smaller or larger.

It's about accepting bodies as they are.

What do you think? Are these images empowering or uncomfortable?

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