
His family caught him taking a wanky bathroom selfie. They punished him accordingly.


If you are part of a family, and someone in said family starts acting like a total wanker, it is officially your responsibility to mock that person. Mercilessly.

If you need a refresher on how this age-old system works, one awesome family is here to show you how it’s done.

The youngest brother in this family decided to take a ‘Oh? I look cute today? I hadn’t even noticed’ selfie. His entire family then decided that his selfie needed to be recreated by each of them, in a winning attempt to rein in his wankerism.

Here’s the original:

Oh? My muscles are flexed? And my beanie is positioned perfectly on my head? That’s just me *shrugs*


And here’s his family making sure he knows he’s the worst:


One of the brothers then posted the pics on Reddit, and it took about 5 minutes for them to go viral.

Well done family. You did the right thing. HE DESERVED TO BE MOCKED.





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