
Why you should check your ultrasound pictures VERY carefully

These mums thought they had the first pics of their precious little person. But what they actually had was a generic snap of a total stranger…

Your ultrasound photo is the first photo of your child you will receive. Friends and family will pour all over it, pointing out features and ways in which your new baby already resembles you. But what if that photo was a fake, given to you by a heartless worker who couldn’t be bothered to do her job properly?

A group of mothers has expressed shock and disappointment after learning that ultrasound photos of their unborn children were fakes. The mums discovered the photos were fakes after sharing them on Facebook.

Lisa Morfett and her children

Lisa Morfett of Bunbary in WA told A Current Affair, "I feel turmoil, I feel pain, I feel disappointment."

Ms Morfett went through IVF to fall pregnant with her partner and was overwhelmed with feelings of love when handed what she was told were ultrasound photos and a DVD of her baby girl who she had already named Abby. It turns out the photos and video were fakes, handed to her by sonographer Rowena Hayes and now Ms Morfett and her partner have no memories of their pregnancy with Abby.

The mums are calling for Ms Hayes to be prosecuted.

Some of the mothers demanding answers had their babies ultrasound photos given to other families. These photos have been shared on social media and other outlets.
Ms Morfett told A Current Affair, "[Ms Hayes] sat me down, spoke to me so loving and caring, being a mother and grandmother herself she understood and I felt so connected with her."

Since this story first aired more mothers have come forward and it's now thought hundreds of pregnant women were handed fake photos.

Sonographer Rowena Hayes who has been accused of faking ultrasound photos

So far the sonographer has refused to answer media requests but did respond to one email sent to her by an angry mum. "I honestly don't understand what has happened," the email read. "I can definitely say that I would not deliberately and purposely give you or anyone else the wrong photos.

"After getting legal advice this matter is now being dealt with … I will contact you again soon to talk with you."

The mums say the worst part of this is that Ms Hayes was so lovely. She told some of the mothers that she is a grandmother. They felt safe with her and trusted her with the intimate experience of their unborn child's ultrasound.

WA residents who believe they may have been given false ultrasound images are encouraged to lodge a complaint with Consumer Protection who are pursuing the matter.

Images courtesy of A Current Affair.

Do you think Rowena Hayes should be prosecuted?

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