
There is simply no way the Melania Trump who stepped out this week is the real Melania Trump.

Donald Trump’s presidency has led to many conspiracy theories.

Among them is the conspiracy, created by Trump himself, that the Obama administration spied on him during the 2016 election. Oh, and there’s the totally bizarre ‘Barron Trump time-travel theory’ (yes, really).

But there is only one conspiracy that really matters, and that is that Melania Trump is sometimes not actually Melania Trump, but a body double.

It… sounds ridiculous.

Until you realise it’s not.

It all began in October, 2017, when President Trump and his First Lady were at a press conference discussing hurricane relief for Puerto Rico. All seemed fine and dandy. Until Donald Trump bizarrely said, “My wife Melania… who happens to be right here.”


We knew… Because we could see her.

Or could we?

Then, in August 2018 footage emerged of the First Lady boarding a plane in Ohio with her husband.

Except the woman accompanying him didn’t actually look like Melania at all. Her posture was different. The way she walked was different. Her hair colour was different.

Then, when the Trumps paid their respects to the 23 people tragically killed in deadly tornadoes in Alabama in March, the #FakeMelania debate was well and true reignited.


You see, Fake Melania truthers are convinced all signs point to a body double – with most pointing to Melania’s bodyguard who has been pictured with her in the past.


Her height, her much more square jaw, the fact that she held her husband’s hand despite previously avoiding all physical contact… well, it all seems a little off to be the real Melania.



And it seems like even the biggest sceptics amongst us have been pulled into the theory.





For what it’s worth, Melania’s office has denied the body double (but of course it would!!) but that hasn’t stopped the internet from losing its damn mind.

Just this week, rumours about Melania Trump’s body double reemerged once again when the Trumps’ met with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte.

During their time in France, they visited the Normandy American Cemetery, where more than 9000 US troops are buried.

In footage shared to Twitter by US political website The Hill, Melania wore dark sunglasses, leading many Twitter users to claim that it was actually the one and only “fake Melania” in the footage.




Could it just be the real Melania with pursed lips and sunglasses she’s unable to remove for reasons we are yet to understand?

No, definitely not.

It’s a body double. Or an alien.


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